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Everything posted by Vulnicura

  1. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    i CANT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW1TSFaIU70
  2. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    just imagine, taxi on the trailer and it still doesn't get released
  3. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    Okay ya'll so i need help to give Charli some promo. I need ya'll to like my commend that says Charli XCX White Mercedes so they add it to our school radio rotation! https://www.facebook.com/UTRGVRadio/posts/3053054861436084?comment_id=3054150457993191&notif_id=1571704963043949&notif_t=feed_comment but lets not make it loos sus, i only need like 3 likes, and it'd be cool if you had a spanish sounding name since the majority of my school is Latino Change your name to Jose Escabar and your location to Texas THANK YOU SO MUCH <3
  4. Vulnicura

    Brooke Candy

    her album comes out on the 25th right?
  5. "The Andrew Wyatt co-write “Hit Me Where It Hurts” feels like it was intended for Charli XCX—the low, throaty, near-spoken verses are drastically unlike Polachek’s vocal arrangements throughout Pang, but very much something Charli might handle." THIS IS WHAT I THOUGHT TOO omg I want her to collab with yeule and Charli
  6. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    your friend has an amazing ass btw! also have no idea waht she is planning, probably just nothing
  7. Vulnicura

    Katy Perry

    Katy Perry New song "Harleys In Hawaii" YES
  8. Vulnicura


    love the visuals but didn't know that last single she put out
  9. just finished listening to the album and i can concur that OfT remains undefeated, but it got a run for its money for sure! SUBLIME!
  10. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    omg her Joanne era
  11. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    FUCKING CHARLI IS RUINING MY LOVE LIFE the spark is gone once they tell me they don't enjoy Charli
  12. Vulnicura

    Kim Petras

    she looks STUNNNNNNIING
  13. Ocean of Tear is the best song on PANG, but ya'll ain't ready for that conversation (since the album isn't out yet)
  14. Ocean of Tears reminds unbothered cute new song tho
  15. im more concern that she listens to Kanye
  16. i don't! when she said that? Can't wait for Monday! THE ALBUM IS SO CLOSE omg
  17. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    OKayy Slayyyter go OFF. Cute new version!! also really glad they didn't cut the monster truck sex ending
  18. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    i can't stop watching the mv for WM the FIREWORKS, the FABRICS, the MONSTERTRUCK!! (oh and lets not forget about them beats lolol) She looked so pretty and it was pleasant viewing experience for me. CANT WAIT FOR OFFICIAL MV
  19. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    Still listen to the album everyday. Clear AOTY for me. Caroline Polachek coming in close in second place tho!
  20. Vulnicura

    Kim Petras

    im telling ALL MY FRIENDS and STRANGERS about Kim Petras. her doing spooky music is so easy to promote!!!!
  21. not gonna like, not feeling the album cover at first couple of looks
  22. im so over sophie and her crap. im so mad at her and hope i never end up hearing about her again! (ima look like a clown when she releases something new and i start stanning again lol) also album releases soon wtf, wish we had like the album cover by now
  23. Vulnicura

    Kim Petras

    'Another One' is really hitting me tonight. I swear I want to get cheated on so badly
  24. She's been KILLING it lately. Loving her new stuff alot and it's made me go back to her other stuff (i usually just always listen to her singles)
  25. Vulnicura

    Charli XCX

    Okay so I've been hearing Charli non stop but like do ya'll think we'll get that Jam City collab on her next project?
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