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Everything posted by Fireffie

  1. Fireffie

    Alexandra Savior

    Live version of Unforgivable out now! She looks flawless
  2. Waiiiiiiiit oh my god this sounds really good!! And the arrow sound effect at the end? Also hearing Butterfly right after it does make it sound better, maybe once I'll hear it in the album next to the other tracks I'll appreciate it more. So I'm guessing we'll still have to wait another single for the album announcement?
  3. I really like the cover art!!! I think it would look good if the album had this hand-drawn minimalistic style too
  4. I’m absolutely not making fun of their appearance but why the random photoooo lol 😭
  5. it's not out in countries that already hit midnight so no :/ but we can hope for a worldwide release tomorrow!
  6. On a side note: why is she releasing 13 tracks on 2LPs???? 1LP is more than enough and it would have halved the production cost + cheaper vinyl
  7. Yeah the font was definitely a…. choice! I’ve seen worse prices, I grabbed it cause even the black standard version is not to be found anymore
  8. https://marinaofficialmerch.com//products/froot-limited-edition-red-2lp-ecorecord-10-year-anniversary-edition INHA ON VINYL!!!!!!
  9. Fireffie

    Alexandra Savior

    Unforgivable is releasing at midnight!! I already listened to it and OH MY GAAAAAAWH OUR QUEEN IS BACK IT SOUNDS SOOOO GOOOOD
  10. Celebrating Froot Anniversary I want to remember the best part of it: THE NEON NATURE TOUR. Literally flawless and perfect in every aspect. My favourite part will always be the transitions between the different eras, I remember when I first watched them I was gagged... imho one of the best transtions that an artist ever used.
  11. Omg!! Shooting for a new music video ?? This is interesting https://www.instagram.com/stories/marinadiamandis/3586785922118343308?igsh=YTBndHp5dzZ2bTB4
  12. Fireffie

    Lady Gaga

    I never listened to Gaga that much except her hits so I hit play just out of curiosity and OH MY GOOOOD, finally someone who makes a fun album!!! It’s soooo good, my favourite so far is Perfect Celebrity
  13. LOOOL true... but for me the difference is that with FROOT she built a world with a complete experience like: the Froot of the month, the 7'' vinyl that had the smell of the fruit, the different cocktails, the colours and so on etc. Maybe if there was a bit more of world/story building surrounding Butterfly and an explanation on how it fits in the album it wouldnt be seen as something basic.
  14. I was looking at when we first discovered about the Platinum Blonde Edition: it was 2 days before the anniversary (29 Apil 2022) and then it got uploaded on streaming platforms. So, IF there's somethign coming, we'll have to wait for next week
  15. Fireffie

    Alexandra Savior

    One minute preview!! Idk about you guys but I’m soooo EXCITED 😭😭 it actually sounds so good! Drew Erickson is confirmed to be the main composer + Production and Engineer by Michael Harris (who engineered also Ocean Blvd and Blue Banisters!!)
  16. Fireffie

    Alexandra Savior

    UNFORGIVABLE coming out on March 14th!!! pre-save the single 💙 https://alexandra-savior.sng.to/unforgivable
  17. https://marinaofficialmerch.com/products/butterfly-panty not the panty merch 😭😭 edit: also the font of the shop is atrocious, you can’t read anything oh my god
  18. The aesthetic of the video is immaculate but I don’t understand the concept… what was she trying to convey ?? How is this supposed to be the lead single video 😭
  19. Same they were the first fanpage that I ever followed on Instagram and it broke my heart seeing everything that happened. I can’t imagine how it must have felt to be in their position :/
  20. Why is nobody talking about Dream Woman?? It sounds like an outtake from Ultraviolence
  21. I’m on my 3rd listen with headphones on and the melody is growing on me, love the pre-chorus but I just can’t stand the high-pitched voice the problem is not even the voice itself, it’s more the rhythm of the chorus - like it doesn’t flow with the rest
  22. Cute! I also can't decide if I like it or not but the outro >>>>
  23. OMG ?? she looks stunning
  24. We did get the Platinum Blonde version of EH with all the extra songs and a beautiful boxset tho, which honestly was really surprising. She knows damn well people love Froot and she’d be crazy not to profit off this. Also it seems that recently Marina “accepted” her past for who she was (see for example all the stories about TFJ anniversary), unlike during the L+F era.
  25. OMGGG the visuals!! And the oufitssss I can’t wait to see the full video!
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