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Posts posted by cognaclilac

  1. So we've got-


    Mariner's Apartment Complex


    Sylvia Plath

    Norman Fucking Rockwell

    Venice Bitch

    How To Disappear

    Happiness Is A Butterfly

    ??? ft Machine Gun Kelly




    ??? ft Marina

    ??? ft Jesse Rutherford / The NBHD

    Cactus ft. The Foo Fighters



    Here's ur 11 tracks sisters x also maybe a collab with Wiz Khalifa? He hinted at something a while ago.

    Anything I'm missing?


    so this is the era of shitty titles i guess


    Mariner's Apartment Complex - i actually like this a lot, very cinematic

    Cinnamon - this is what radio should have been called it would have made more sense for btd era

    Sylvia Plath/Norman Fucking Rockwell - literally just using other peoples' names

    Venice Bitch - a white girl slogan

    How To Disappear - a youtube tutorial

    Happiness Is A Butterfly - what

    Cactus ft. The Foo Fighters - what

    Bartender - is this a movie role


    and i'll say this again, 

    she better take hold of these collabs and not just sing background harmonies on her own damn songs

  2. a) can we hop off groupie love hate like it isn't a timeless anthem?

    b) i think if there are going to be collabs on her album she needs to take the lead, like i feel that LFL collabs weren't her vision completely but they were literal collaborations which is what i'm not paying for. lana take the reigns, whips those bops out.

    Has anyone heard of this? It's new to me:




    Bc consider that box checked, truly gonna give the gays everything they want .gif


    are you saying this is her big coming out lp

  3. this is one of the very few picks where she actually looks 'ugly'. the gross face, the super low rise jeans, the cropped jacket ugh


    yes exactly! it almost makes it look like her head is photoshopped on another body. who thought the outfit choices were good? who approved? who thought this looked good to publish??? i feel like if one element was changed it'd be an improvement. if the jeans were a higher rise it'd balance the crop jacket, if the jacket didn't exist the picture would be okay. like how are they gonna do her head like that and drop the body? her neck is also gone like what the fuck

  4. For me album/songs rankings are pointless. It’s depending on so many things, like seasons or something as simple as my current mood. Each of her albums is my favourite and describing my life at some point!


    i feel this! and sometimes you skip a song for months but then when the time is right it becomes a new favorite

    This pink is SO Artpop


    this is her artpop album, call it

  5. i fucking hate this photoshoot i don't care 




    off topic: is there a thread documenting lana's potential surgical procedures or like a thread of gossip about them? i only thought she had lip fillers but everyone thinks more so i want to know why and see the differences

  6. how are (some of) y'all still gonna diss LFL when it's clearly made to please us because every five seconds we're like "lana make more BTD inspired stuff" and now that that's out the window we want UV inspired stuff? nah you have to let her do her thing


    she's an actual growing and changing person so one of her albums can't be more "lana" than the others if they're all different parts of the same life


    hop off her dick guys


    I wonder if the LFL acclaim will start when NFR drops, just like it happened with Honeymoon right after LFL release   :diva: they switch like



    we are fickle queens

  7. So saw the movie today and was excited but it really fell short of the hype for me. I thought the beginning was beautiful and the highlight. I found the rest kind of unbelievable to be honest. I don’t think a woman ally’s age making he music she made and with the look she had could be super famous in the present day - which the movie so clearly placed itself in (Halsey had no business being there). It really just skimmed over so much baggage of fame and what comes with it. People become famous because of the public. And we never saw the publics reaction to Ally outside of the concerts? Lol. I needed more. And the ending was kind of dramatic for me. I felt like I needed to see more of Jackson’s anguish before I could believe the ending. However the soundtrack continues to grow on me. I think the soundtrack is better than the movie!


    (Lady gaga’s Botox bothered me throughout the entire movie)


    don't forget that this version of ASIB is the fourth incarnation. the first two heavily relied on the 'star maker system' that was popular in Hollywood in the 1930s through most of the 1950s. the first two films had Esther (original name for Ally) wanting to make it big as a singer as well but at the time it was more likely to become a performer in the theatrical sense (think musicals, theater, etc.) so Esther had to go 'through the system' to 'become more appealing' as a celebrity and had a whole image change/name change similar to that of Ally's shot to superstardom. i believe this is as close this version of the film could get to that portion of the original story (the third installment with Streisand is where the rock and roll image came from because no one was really into making musicals anymore/jackson's character (originally named something else too) was then modeled after the rockstars of the times with downfalls).


    as for the believability, i find it extremely believable that she shot up like this. if we think about it, we as fans don't realize how quick or slow someone comes into the limelight on the scale that Ally did, and now with the internet and different ways to 'come up', i think they just tried to stay to the stereotypical arc. and at the same time i think they were making fun of it a little because of how drastic everything was and how quickly she conformed to a different state for her art. also also, we aren't given a strict timeline so it may seem she has nothing one day and then meets the interscope manager the next, but i guarantee a large scale of time passes. then when businesses can make money off of people they push as fast as they can which is why she was always at a rehearsal or preparing for something.


    and i think they hit the baggage part, but it wasn't the baggage of fame, it was the baggage that belonged to jackson. he had this problem throughout the film and throughout their relationship so nothing was different once she became famous on her own for his alcoholism/drug abuse except that he started to become alone again with ally doing her own thing and him also facing that her fame was reaching larger scales than his was (not sure if his fame declined a bit or not but he just seemed to be on break because he DID has sold out arenas after all). basically the point of the story is to focus on the two of them which is why we didn't see much outside. we only saw some interaction between jackson and his fan base because that's where ally got her start and she was introduced to him during his tour. after that, it focused on them and the strength of their love for one another. i personally thought it was very believable just because i've had personal experiences similar to those told and how much ally takes care of jackson and all that. and if you think about his love for her and his support for her and her career, he ultimately lost his battle because he knew he'd ruin her life if he was still around. and tbf the manager came in a fucked him up which really pisses me off but he did it because jackson was 'getting in the way' of ally's money making abilities (she wanted to stop the tour and all for him). that whole thing made it more sad for me and made me angry tbh.


    and someone else mentioned how she had a big audience at the end and where did it come from, it was a benefit for her husband so i'm sure it's a mix of people for her for him and for suicide prevention like we don't know the details of the event but we do see a change in her because she has her brunette hair back and she makes it a point to say her full married name to the audience to show her love for jackson.


    sorry for how long this is but going to film school really ruins the ability to be able to watch a movie without analyzing and trying to understand everything. i hope this doesn't offend you i just wanted to give some more insight to the choices made! :) 

  8. This fight made it to the Wendy Williams show today. 




    AHHH i yelled when i saw this on my feed but why'd they choose such a sweaty and frizzy picture? they could have taken a fan edit and no one would have known... also wendy thought lana was a porn star lol


    i can see it


    side note: i noticed AB bragging on her IG last night about how her and kanye are geminis and geminis get shit done but as far as i'm concerned lana is the only gemini that got something done so who's the real witch bitch



  9. okay this is a lot and i was so entertained but is anyone else kind of cringing?


    like i'm a little embarrassed just at the a) act of it all, b) the cringey middle school aim chat language "you know the addy pull up" and c) the hypocrisy but okay


    like doesnt kanye think slavery was fake or something derogatory then AB is out here claiming her main reason behind her backlash is that lana doesnt get black people? obvs lana cant' empathize but i think she can sympathize and try her best to be a voice since she has a platform. so why doesnt AB discuss that? yeh everyone has a right to opinion and belief but if you're gonna complain, marcia, at least be consistent. 


    also not really understanding how AB is gonna throw punches about looks, money, race, and sexuality among others only to have a slight joke made about therapy and her to be offended that lana is downing mental health??? like what? r u sure?

  10. Honestly no its fine. I mean it's always hot in CA and I hate how it gets that way so no I empathize. I remember listening to TIWMUG all lost with the sun beaming down . And no I get it, it's all different for everyone most times, and for me, I just get the sense of movement in the city when I think of BtD. The overproduction, the speed of the lyrics, how her voice sort of drowns u in her world of trouble, and I guess that being so hectic, again reminds me of the city, but anyway no yeah her narrative lately's been about summer so I get ur drift.. 


    I tried associating LfL with the spring, it didn't really catch on all that well with me. Again, the whole winter-summer paradox of feeling. Maybe the next one might be the best for it tho. I mean the release date sure, but narratively, MAC and VB are already hazing the atmosphere with its post summer vibes, if its even associated with NFR. 


    I'd like to relate to this one especially, bc of the industrial setting, that feeling when you're driving in CA when its just a bit brisk and that's how u know it's still winter even if the sun still peaks through the gloom


    I personally love the transition from Winter to Spring, not just symbolically, but just the life that comes with it, a kind of freshness and calm after the excitement you're still feeling still round Feb from the holidays. Could be literal defrosting and flower fields. I think that'd fit the surf vibes well, maybe she could make it a bit more floral groovy too in aesthetic to then carry that transition thru


    that really hits me though because i think the one song i picture as an east-coast sort of setting would be TIWMUG. i don't know why but i picture it late summer-maybe autumn where the girls are just using up the last days of the late sun, you know? i have memories like that from there since i'm from there so it could be that. and yeah coming late to the game i got btd in a summer season so to me i was also being effected by the summer edits, etc i wwas seeing as being claimed her aesthetic then she kept it up in summer so it stayed in my mind


    I have great memories of Paradise fall/early winter release so I don't have a problem with her releasing it in February to be honest

    Especially since it's an experimental thing in my eyes and that corresponds to long winter nights idk


    Of course I love summer releases but what can you do

    I'd die from boredom if she hadn't released anything until summer rolls


    no no, i don't mind when she releases at all! i'm just curious to see how it'll feel with her new releases in a winter place. i listened to LFL for the first time tanning on my deck back home so i wonder where i'll be this time around

  11. LMAO I'm pretty sure ur not the only one w/ that opinion on here. and I get what u mean, I think for me tho, strangely enough BtD felt better as a winter album, or something that'd carry u thru winter. Her cover of the Chelsea Motel No. 2 was amazing too. I love solemn Lana.


    Maybe they can be in the air, to make the space a bit more beautiful, like fireworks. SEX IN THE AIR 


    you're completely right, how could i disregard btd as winter. i think because i got into her around paradise so it's been predominantly summer with me, but btd was january so you got me there. it also makes it hard for me to hear it in a winter world, if that makes sense? i think she just reminds me of dreamscapes and sunshine a lot to where it's associated most cosely to summer, you know? i'd even take spring like the flowers blooming and such as the chill of the air warms up a little more, ice melts, etc.

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