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Posts posted by cognaclilac

  1. love being a weird ass compilation poster, LfL being a BtS photo, CWIMM being a BtS photo from Love, LfL being the BtD car probably edited in a BtS photo from Love, WM music video being a hashed together Architecture, Architecture being Best American Record- the old title track, sister to Yosemite; Lana's favorite song she killed with BAR for some reason


    anyone else feel like an idiot trying to figure out which abbreviation is which lana song

  2. Although I've seen pics before fame without the falsies and she had lashes, but now without them she has like none so she should really stop it must be so bad for them especially gluing them in the middle.


    yeah that's the thing, i feel like that ruined them but she is naturally a light haired lady so the lashes could just be light too

    i have dark lashes but the tops f them arent noticeable to me without mascara you know

  3. Wow, things got heated huh? (give them some new music or something Lana)


    Hopefully to prevent future disputes, here's a quick summary of the Norman Fucking Rockwell era so far...


    Artwork / Visuals: Chuck seems to be creative director for this project (so far) and that could possibly change as Chuck has been known to shoot single covers whilst another photographer does the album cover.


    However with Chuck directing the first 2 visuals and shooting the last album cover it is more than likely she will shoot the album cover.


    It's also uncertain whether or not other directors will be brought in for future music videos as Chuck teased a larger project herself and Lana worked on was coming.


    Tracklist: Pretty much nothing about the tracklist is certain other than Norman Fucking Rockwell might be the opening track - following Lana's title track pattern.


    Only Cinnamon, Happiness Is A Butterfly, How To Disappear, Mariners Apartment Complex, Norman Fucking Rockwell, Sylvia Plath and Venice Bitch are confirmed or speculated for the final cut. Other potential tracks include Bartender - and although extremely unlikely some Lust For Life outtakes remain unreleased.


    Release date: So there's potential that the album could be released February 22nd (one day prior to Norman Rockwell's birthday) - would be a pretty cool concept.


    However, it might be unlikely since she teased Sylvia Plath on the week prior to Sylvia's birthday but then failed to release the full song. Maybe that's why we heard the snippet of that song in particular or maybe she just wanted to confirm the song was real.


    There was also the rumoured release date of March 2019, I'm not saying it's impossible but the source isn't reliable - however I expect the album to be released before March, since she originally stated it was coming at the top of the year.


    Singles: Mariners Apartment Complex and Venice Bitch are the 2 singles released so far - it's uncertain whether these will act as the first and second singles for the record or whether they're just buzz tracks.


    There's the potential that an official lead single will be released later in the year, closer to the album release date. It's no secret that Happiness... was considered as a single at some point so that could be the lead. Other than that we don't know.


    lol we shook the boards @salvatore

  4. we knew ab Sylvia for a whiile before that


    and she posted the teaser before her birthday, during the same timeframe people were hoping she'd deliver on her word for an October single; thus Sylvia's birthday being near the end of October + the probable single people said it'd be perfectly logical for Lana to drop Sylvia then..but she didn't


    which is why I said Lana isn't logical when it comes to release dates, so NRs birthday probably isn't the release. :rip:


    2 much emotion for something so simple...girlie shut 


    '2 much emotion' coming from the 'yosemite martyr' okay lol   :byeh8rs2:

  5. well guess what you're illiterate i said her BIRTHDAY


    aka October 27th


    yeah i know, i was further continuing my February theory

    norman rockwell was born feb 3

    sylvia plath died on feb 11

    lana said a winter album most likely

    those are two significant dates in relation to the music she's discussed so far

    would you like to continue the lesson?


    also my theory was completely acceptable and for fun, then you used a weird argument against it about lana discussing 'sylvia plath' a week before her birthday, like what? that was coincidental compared to a whole album (we are waiting for/aware of) dropping possibly on the same date as the title character's birthday that's literally all i was pointing out lol no one knew about 'sylvia plath' before she posted about it so how would we be able to make the connection to her birthday at the time lana discussed it? next

  6. I'm 100% here for a textless album cover, a really artsy one, either like a painting or a normal, reallly artistic photo. For the vinyl, the instinct is to say either light green, dark green or cream, 'cause these are the colours of the era so far...Her site is cream and dark green, the VB cover is cream and green, the MAC cover is the same. It would be nice to stick on with this scheme of colours till the end to give it a consistency and cohesiveness all the way through. However, a really cool thing would be a splatter style vinyl, 'cause she's never done those. A splatter of blue and green would be AMAZING. The green fits with the earthy style of music and the blue goes on with her nostalgic feel and for the sea elements that are sprinkled in the lyrics and the surfy vibe of the album. 


    absolutely not, let's not make it a vomit cover

    if she wants nature just make the cover a picture of her horse topiary looking over a large grass land and make it sad feeling otherwise dont bring nature into this lana


    Which is sad because some stuff she shoots is actually really nice. But then some stuff is just basic af



    On another note: Watch this album cover be a fucking elbow like UV’s “alternate” cover


    i'd be down with that because i adore that cover

    but it wont be as glam because she likes trees now


    So here's a potential bombshell. Are Crimson Clovers, the flower, a kind of lesbian symbol for the woman's part down there? It was covered by Joan Jett and apparently its some kind of lesbian awakening song. Violets are mentioned when it comes to her poetry, and those are associated with lesbianism too, how they're given from one girl to another to express interest/love or something like that.


    Are these hints?



    seems like a stretch but okay

    tommy james named it that because he liked clovers and his fav color was crimson

    fits the sudden psychedelic theme she's trying

    I'm so busy at Uni so I can't even think how much I miss her but yeah this chick could be that nice and release something. Maybe Christmas song or whatever she wants. Just do it. 


    she's coming for mariah

  7. i just learned how to navigate the site so i'm not really ready for a change just yet


    i think the theme should use a new one obviously but should we wait for the album to come out? someone mentioned the aesthetic changed with LFL once it was out and that's a good point because the theme now should have been what the aesthetic was but that's just me


    i was also asking because i know there are a lot of artists on the board so maybe if anyone had a design in mind it'd be easier on elle (unless you want to do it it's up to you)


    can each topic have a different theme? like if i clicked on the 'news' page that would be one theme compared to if i clicked on the 'lyrics' page? this seems like a lot but just curious

  8. hiii i'm so sorry to mods if this isn't the right location or if i'm over-stepping a boundary, but i was curious if the new album will bring a new look to the lanaboards (like how it is currently retro space themed with a pic from LFL era)


    i'm curious as to what people would want to see or maybe they've been thinking the same things??? it'd be cute to think of some themes just to see what people are thinking


    *as long as it's not the ugly beige border lana's been trying to make fetch then i'm open to possibilities*

  9. down by the seaside - led zeppelin

    california girls - beach boys

    from the dining table - harry styles

    is this the world we created? [Live At Maimarktgelande, Mannheim, Germany - 21/06/1986] - queen (dont bust, i love them and have various lives)

    primadonna - marina and the diamonds

    follow you follow me - genesis

    the stairs - inxs

    honeymoon - lana del rey

    runnin' around - new york dolls

    american valhalla - iggy pop


    i dont know how i feel about this shuffle

  10. that's actually really interesting! it's my first attempt at beat lit and your explanation is v interesting 

    it sounds weird but are there any references to the fact that he's gay? 


    hmm not sure but it does discuss his thoughts on things so it's likely to be hinted at plus at the time (50s at least) things that were controversial just happened to be discussed you know? pedophilia and death do come up though as they came up in his actual life so be wary of that

    and yeah! if you think of it that way i think it helps because sometimes beat lit can be nontraditionally written (run on sentences misspellings etc) so it helps to think in those terms. i personally love kerouac and have read a few of his so if you want recommendations hit me up! howl by ginsberg is also good intro to beat lit


    exactly, plus she has the eyeliner only on the out edges as well so it looks so heavy and effects her eyes

    look at this pic

    it's so bad

    and the lashes just aren't good? they don't look trimmed to the line of an eye or like how natural lashes act


    They look INSANE in that pic lmao. All of 2017 they looked crazy but I think she finally removed those after the tour.


    I saw some pics of the Ride premiere recently and sorry I’m on mobile and can’t embed but




    You can see here she doesn’t even glue her lashes on her lash line, but in the MIDDLE of her lashes for the illusion they are even longer. I think this is what she was doing with her lash extensions and that’s why they looked crazy.


    The only time her lashes looked normal was at the Melrose trading post late last year. http://www.lanadelreyfan.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=47895&fullsize=1


    I think she just had regular false lashes here and I wish she’d do that more often.


    yes omg she looks so much better in these pics

    i'm not a makeup pro let alone a lash pro but i know when things look fucked up imo

    wouldnt gluing the lash onto the actual lash hurt the hair?? i'd be afraid i pull my lashes out

  12. I haven’t checked the calendar, but these dates are plausible if they are on a Friday. Music albums are released in a Friday (except for a few exceptions, like Radiohead or Beyoncé who don’t need any kind of publicity to have bestsellers).



    i didn't even think of that!

    i checked and jan 12 is a saturday (put this because didnt btd come out then so maybe she would do a thing with that)

    feb 27 is a weds

    and march 8 is a FRIDAY so BET

  13. queen is it any good? i bought it a few months ago but i couldn't get myself to read it. can you tell me a bit about the general plot?


    that's a good question tbh

    i'm still in the beginning and it's been a bit since i picked it up but i can assume that it's like most other beat literature in the sense that there's no linear plot it's more of a telling of a part of life

    so the main character is burroughs' alter ego (like a lot of beat lit does) and it kind of so far just follows his life around while he writes about his thoughts. the way i process beat lit is to think about as though you were reading a diary because it is so close to one. it feels like you haven't seen a friend in a really long time and you meet up for coffee and they relay their stories to you. if that helps!

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