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Blue Velvet Crowbar

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Everything posted by Blue Velvet Crowbar

  1. Hey all, I have been cracking up at y'all long song titles. I couldn't find a thread for this so I put it in entertainment, because it is entertaining the shit out of me. So could you all post them in here because I want to the see them forever. Many thanks - Blue Velvet Crowbar
  2. What's Cinnamon In My Teeth - From Your Kiss, I only know I win - violet (bent backwards over the grass) blue green red
  3. She never said anything about hope in the snippet. TEEEEAAAA
  4. Girl??? https://genius.com/Lana-del-rey-bartender-lyrics https://www.lyricsfreak.com/l/lana+del+rey/bartender_21467223.html That's two hermana...
  5. Why is there a lyric for Bartender if nothing has been confirmed? Xx And thanks sis I'm nearly at 200
  6. It would prolly be called: "I win - violet (bent backwards over the grass) blue green red"
  7. I'm just going to call it -bihi. Because girl gonna give me an asthma attack, which was not my new years wish....
  8. Can we appreciate the abbreviation for the new single, salvatore mentioned it earlier, It's hot, and definitely the best shortened long title, 'hiadtfawlmth-bihi'
  9. That's not lolla chile, @sweetie Jks Honestly Bartender is just a white mustang spin-off but I live for that beat
  10. Bartender needs to be on NFR Bartender is keeping me aliveee If you listen to white mustang live at lolla Chile, She sings the end of it, as an intro to White Mustang
  11. He's a producer, it's his job. And I don't think he cares. He's still gonna be cashing cheques either way...
  12. That's my favourite Lana video, It's the laugh that gets me Bartender>>>cinnamon >>>>car bitch>>>>oven cleaner>>is this a butterfly?>>>the whole album
  13. I'm someone you maybe might love I'll be your quiet afternoon crush Be your violent overnight rush ----------- To me it sounds like the start of HIAB, fite me There's loads on YT? I don't know if that's what you want? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tgcbjaESK4
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