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Desert lamp

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Everything posted by Desert lamp

  1. Desert lamp

    Charli XCX

    I really hope that song doesn't leak then
  2. Desert lamp


    Didn't Charli and Sophie also have a song called Boyfriend? 2 different songs with the same title I guess
  3. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    Is it Gluestick or Glue Stick? Mel Wiki changed the page name
  4. The way I was expecting this lmao
  5. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    Would anyone even happen to have Can't Shake You og? That's like the only unreleased I'm missing
  6. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    Apparently the original unedited file to Band-Aid leaked https://dbree.org/v/42b2b6 Song is by Melanie, Kinetics, Frequency and Aalias btw!
  7. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    I forgot about Gingerbread Man and Silence Says. Gingerbread Man is serving Cry Baby era to me and Silence Says I believe is Cry Baby as well
  8. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    With all the K-12 era tracks/scraps, we could make a such good album! 1. AK-47 (could be a pitch demo but still K-12 era) 2. Brain & Heart (i hate this) 3. Copy Cat (i also hate this) 4. Eraser 5. Field Trip 6. Fire Drill 7. Glued 8. Gluestick 9. I Scream (the Snow version is K-12 era, ik it wasn't even Melanie's song) 10. Notebook 11. Papercut 12. Piggyback (ik it was for Timothy Heller, still was recorded after Cry Baby) 13. Test Me 14. The Bakery 15. Twins (maybe as an interlude, apparently it was encoded in 2019 so) 16. Unhappy Meal (could be from Cry Baby as well, it's unknown) 13 standard + 3 deluxe
  9. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    Lol the Almost Lover and Sunday Morning covers are such throwbacks
  10. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    Who? The seller? Where's your proof? And don't assume their gender/pronouns
  11. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    That Anyone person isn't even selling them lol and why would they do that???
  12. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    Blackout and PlasmaLizard confirmed 'em
  13. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    Even if they didn't, their qualities were downscaled Yeah
  14. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    Lol what a mess, that scammer replied to me too
  15. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    Charli fans just got full leaks, we're getting even more snippets to suffer I think You Love I was the first and only song to leak fully? (without any snippets, editing etc.)
  16. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    Still don't understand how GDL didn't leak. It's supposedly a K&OL-produced track (I believe it, it sounds like it to me) and K&OL would get hacked often, yet still no snippets or even an insider claiming to have it in sight
  17. Desert lamp

    Charli XCX

    Yeah I just always prefer to use the official names
  18. Desert lamp

    Melanie Martinez

    Why do Melanie fans love to call old live performances "studio sessions" or studio versions?
  19. Desert lamp

    Charli XCX

    Lol this reminded me of the time when ppl thought Charli would have a song called ISIS
  20. Desert lamp

    Charli XCX

    Yeah I'm sorry, there's just too much info and song titles. I'm misremembering things sometimes
  21. Desert lamp

    Charli XCX

    Oh nvm I'm dumb yeah the name BZ confirmed was different, I just misremembered, I think he said it's actually called "Pop It". I need to go find the post edit: yup the confirmed title is "Pop It"!
  22. Desert lamp

    Charli XCX

    Well BZ said it was Problematic Song. Idk what happened after it I've been distant, AND I just saw the Genius page for the song got renamed to Pop It. Everybody has a different title to tell
  23. Desert lamp

    Charli XCX

    You're aware that Screw it Up is actually called Spliff in My Ear and Like a Glock is Problematic Song right?
  24. Desert lamp

    Charli XCX

    Oh finally an actual leak that isn't a You for Me snippet I also say actual because the NZ rips of upcoming songs don't count either
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