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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. YES GODT YES LORDT Hopefully its not 2 minutes long.
  2. Coney Island King


    She really needs to release a video at this piont.
  3. Coney Island King


    Yyyeeessss slay us with your witchcraft dancing cxxccc
  4. Will she do another Honeymoon hotline that she will drop and forget after 1 week? I cant wait!
  5. Stress and anxiety crossing over into peoples dreams. Lana teas shaking the astral gateways of the mind, slay Queen of interdimensional hype xxxxxx
  6. I love Honeymoon but if she went any slower she may as well just release a sounds of the rainforest album that people can sleep to.
  7. I dont get this "she needs to do proper videos again" talk, how were the videos from Honeymoon not proper?
  8. Anyone who leaves due to poor sales is an idiot. In saying that though, the sales for this album outside of America have not been good. And i wouldnt get too cocky about first week sales anyway, she has enough of a fanbase for a #1 debut, thats not a shock to anyone, it doesnt mean the album wont to #186 by the end of the month.
  9. Um can we not with this 15 months shit, she didn't make a blood pact with Satan about that, she could very much change her mind about that timeframe. We cant expect she'"ll release an album every 15 months for the rest of her life lol. She says a lot of shit that never happens.
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