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Everything posted by Peachycream

  1. Most people don’t even know she has a new song out that’s why it’s not getting any views. We should be thankful because the video is horrible. We don’t need the GP to see this mess.
  2. So Lana followed machine gun Kelly lol. I think it has more to do with him dissing g eazy than anything else
  3. she can just take my credit card and keep it on file cause i will buy anything she puts out.
  4. “They mistook my kindness for weakness I fucked up, I know that, but Jesus Can't a girl just do the best she can?” I love that. She does that. She did that. She will continue to do that.
  5. “Im just sayng this you dont expect much in 3 hours” don’t try to put a damper on our excitement. Do you think we expect Lana to release a song like “chop suey!” when we already heard a preview of it? No shit it’s mellow. It’s Lana.
  6. I think she will put out at least 1 more song after these 2. It seems silly to put songs out then stay quiet til 2019.
  7. The problem is that Lana fans are such trollbags so we end up being skeptical with things like this. Not our fault y’all play too much during the off season.
  8. I saw that lizzystrailer posted something and immediately dismissed it. They’re the biggest trolls on insta so who knows
  9. Nah I’m going to pretend i didn’t read that. She would not do that to us... Or would she??
  10. Who is midnightdreamgirl? This fans pretending to be Lana are wild. They really go above and beyond
  11. Only the elite like this song.
  12. They’re so lame for this. What’s the point of posting the same video?
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