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Everything posted by Peachycream

  1. “Im not a travel agent promoting tourism for each country I go to. I’m sharing my thoughtful genre of music wherever I go”
  2. Ugh why did she delete
  3. Well she offered so now she should just play the show in Israel and go.
  4. Fans who agree with her going to Israel aren’t delusional. Maybe they’re just tired of people dictating what artists should/shouldn’t do and then if it’s not popular opinion they get “canceled”. It’s getting fucking annoying.
  5. Has anyone searched her name on Twitter? They’re sending her pics of deceased Palestinian children. Do these idiots not realize she isn’t the only American singing at that show? How come they aren’t being called out? Oh i know why! because it’s the “follow the leader” type of mentality going on right now. Fuck off.
  6. Now she really shouldn’t cancel just to piss everyone off even more. I’m rooting for you Del Rey. I love when she isn’t boring!
  7. She’s starting to unfollow people on the twittersphere
  8. These people are going to have Lana crying through the whole show.
  9. The opinion on twitter and other forums are entertaining. In a very particular order: from good to bad “YASSS QUEEN” . . . . . “FUXKING BITCH” There is no in between.
  10. I wish Lana was on wanderer instead but still not bad
  11. So edgy and funny. Praying for her health?? Some of you act like she’s going to be on the next season of my 600 pound life.
  12. Aw i genuinely think she looks cute in that pic!
  13. I’m glad she’s ok That’s insane though
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