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Everything posted by godsmonster

  1. I didn't want to go on this lil rant in the Instagram Updates thread since it would have been off topic but Someone had mentioned how Marina tweeted in April (I don't have a twitter anymore so I didn't see it) how fast fashion is bad and people should change their clothes buying habits, and the user on here (I dont remember who it was, this isn't me being shady) said it came off as her being superior and such yes your opinion is valid and i totally see why you'd say that but it is a serious topic that the everyday person doesn't think about this video (go to 13:00) explains why it's a horrible industry so im happy she's using her platform to raise some sort of awareness how stores like H&M, Zara, Primark, etc are harmful to the environment yes it seems preachy because the average person cannot help where they buy clothes if they are poor financial situations, but the first step in making a change is acknowledging there is a problem and raising awareness someone is gonna try to drag me but idgaf as someone who works in the clothing retail industry, it is harmful! most of the clothes on sale right now are just recycled designs from the previous years, just slightly altered. you can buy basically the same product second hand from Poshmark, Depop, etc, and for a fraction of the cost as the "newer" design that is currently on sale it gives more life to a product most people would wear for a few years and get rid of while it doesn't look good on Marina since she does give off that "im better than you cause i can do good because i have the means to do so", what she's saying isn't harmful. I don't think she's trying to tell people of lesser means you're hurting the enviromnent for buying cheap clothes, and obv sometimes they don't have a choice, but it is good to know how the system works and how there are some ways around it with second hand clothes and making products last longer. sorry if this is slightly in-cohesive, i sometimes struggle putting my thoughts into actual words but hopefully yall get the gist and don't drag me like Lana and misunderstand what i'm saying lol
  2. the fact you included the TWA rocket and I kept thinking about how this album gives me a 60s aesthetic and makes me think of Pan Am and TWA in the 60s our minds, whew!
  3. wait what tweets the one about fast fashion?
  4. one can dream lol makes me sad cause they will always been the Queens of Tumblr to me, I mean they created that 2012-2014 Tumblr aesthetic
  5. that makes me sad about Marina cause I always wanted a collab but w/e
  6. hear me out shes standing in a garden in front of a country club, in 60s attire, on the moon, and you can see retro-looking spaceships above leaving chemtrails in the "sky" above
  7. You mean the cinematic masterpiece that is Honeymoon, and the summery album that is Lust for Life? Yes I absolutely remember what they sound like Just because L4L doesn't have a complete cohesive sound doesn't mean it's bad
  8. little monsters are over dramatic, and drag Gaga for literally everything it's just another day for them
  9. if she releases RBFY, it better be the original recording from the L4L sessions I dont want no edited shit like TNBAR
  10. I am so goddamn excited for this era Chromatica really is ARTPOP's little sister
  11. i love the aesthetic the album title is making me picture in my head, so here's my go at the cover (for now)
  12. Ariana being a homophobe? What kind of crack are stans smoking nowadays maggots for brains luvv
  13. Chemtrails Over The Country Club gives me early-mid 60s aesthetic for visuals, like Betty Draper from Mad Men
  14. absolutely not anyway I don't like the album title however it does give me a very specific aesthetic in my mind just like what @@Trash Magic posted. I'm very weirded out how this era is starting and how she announced the title but we're here so lets go I guess but homegirl needs Neil Krug back. and maybe a tasteful Chuck photo, cause she does have some very good photographs pf Lana, yall can't lie
  15. is that video even worth watching? I haven't seen it yet
  16. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    is this new or unreleased?
  17. i have limited knowledge, maybe @@PARADIXO would know more?
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