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Everything posted by godsmonster

  1. where the FUCK is the Haus Labs version of Babylon, I'm about to sue
  2. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    when is the b-side coming?
  3. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    why the fuck is that in a .adx file
  4. yall have beaten this dead horse so much it's fucking vaporized at this point. you're just beating the dirt at this point
  5. wow, i can't believe i stan such a talented lyricist
  6. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    where is the deluxe edition i wanna stream Love Is Religion
  7. THE VMA FINALLY PUT RESPECT ON HER NAME Congratulations queen!!! And Ari too!
  8. godsmonster

    Song vs. Song

    Wait for Life vs. Cinnamon Girl
  9. the last like 45 seconds of it are so necessary
  10. Honeymoon Avenue is way too fucking long like girl
  11. Miss Y final version in HQ please and thank you
  12. lanz is missing out on some good money by not officially releasing QoD
  13. honestly i try to forget she exists because it makes me want Masochism so much it's almost masochistic to be a stan of her
  14. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    how the hell is she releasing a remix of Love Is Religion but not the actual song?????
  15. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    wait is this legit
  16. how dare you knock this bop. Only stans with taste appreciate this song New York was also the last song she made with Fusari, hence why it's not "completely" finished
  17. the production on this song is so immaculate, it fits it so well. I literally can picture this playing in a movie (I know it's for AoA, but I never watched it). It's almost like a mix of Young and Beautiful and Bel Air. I've been listening to both versions non-stop, but i do like the louder violins on the 2012 mix
  18. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    what is All Or Nothing?
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