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About godsmonster

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  • Birthday April 23

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    he, him
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  1. leak DWUW solo stems
  2. This. There’s a better chance the democrats could win the election now
  3. if we dont get TOTL Vol 3 this year i SWEAR TO GOD
  4. godsmonster

    Cat Pierce (CAT)

    Kinda miss her, her voice is distinctive and she had some interesting songs
  5. did the unmixed vocal stems for Poker Face ever l*ak?
  6. Saviour final when
  7. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    What happened to them?
  8. godsmonster

    Ayesha Erotica

    Apple Music continues to lose
  9. I genuinely do not know how anyone is okay with how that show went
  10. I’m so genuinely scared for the state of this country and the election
  11. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    same. really cathartic for me since i have a lot of issues w my parents
  12. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    BRAT + deluxe tracks instrumentals when
  13. godsmonster

    Charli XCX

    so this is a thing. slay!(?)
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