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Everything posted by godsmonster

  1. wasn't there a video of her in a car with some audio playing from that song? or was it a song that was never identified
  2. imma be realiostic the more we beg for it, the more these leakers aren't gonna leak it this could be the one song they hold over our head forever, like what happened with Gaga's songs Text U Pictures, Quicksand, Private Audition, and Out of Control
  3. well, there was a thing called a loudness war, maybe this will help? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war
  4. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    A COLLAB WITH KYLIE MINOGUE oh no my little gay heart is not prepared
  5. the fact she mentioned she's at a facility intrigues me
  6. no wonder Lana never released Life Is Beautiful, Yosemite, and Roses Bloom For You: they're her most happy songs
  7. wow i didnt know azealia banks had an account on here
  8. EDIT: its fake they (op) confirmed it
  9. when I say my wig would be gone if they collab...
  10. yeah this gc looks mad shady @ the fans. they're hiding something
  11. hopefully she doesnt make an account on here and flame us all
  12. but why? what set her off
  13. oooh do you have receipts
  14. idk why but whenever you link a post it just comes up as blank for me
  15. what the hell is that new pic of
  16. lol doja stans are a little pre-occupied right now
  17. I feel like Ariana said something to her
  18. im pretty sure i saw somewhere if you're a celebrity you can hide who you follow on Instagram
  19. oh no i def got that rolling my bad
  20. I did a project regarding women in the music industry and their experiences, and Lana's early career was one of the three topics I chose. People tore her to shreds for being "inauthentic", especially when information of the Lizzy Grant days came forward. But we all know that story, but I have never seen, or heard of, a male artist be torn to shreds like she was, for public performances, to authenticity. Although, I've given this some thought since yesterday, if she felt like she couldn't truly make the music she wanted to since BTD and UV, does that mean that Honeymoon, Lust for Life, and Norman Fucking Rockwell are inauthentic to herself? I read somewhere here that someone said maybe she wrote those records to appease critics, and if that is so, does it take away from the things she sang about? I am having trouble articulating this, but it makes me challenge my perception of her last three albums, in a way. I mean, if she changed her lyrics and such to appease critics, that's fine, and artists make songs all the time that have no meaning. And I'm not trying to reignite that authenticity thing, but it makes me wonder. idk im having trouble putting my thoughts into this post, hopefully someone understands what i'm trying to ask/say EDIT: maybe im looking to much into it/overthinking things
  21. the instrumental of ROM is for sale on her website for $0.99 it's only in mp3
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