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Everything posted by DeluluKing

  1. Ofc it's coming this week. 2 Days. We have no delay info - only official date UwU.
  2. Ohhh look at her. How can she lie <3 Obviously we are going to hear the album this week in 3 days!!!
  3. How am I not right? We have the official date. Nothing is delayed The album in 3 days I am so ready!
  4. We didn't lose because the album is still not delayed This can't be not released without a word this week because this time the announcement was super serious and official - not the COCC situation. We have the date on her insta that is not deleted and we can still expect the album! She is going to release it digitally just like the 3 singles! Im ready for the new music
  5. I don't give a fk. 3 days Don't trust random dudes from twitter
  6. I think she can finish it in 3 days WE ARE SO CLOSE GUYS. LET'S NOT GIVE UP. THE ALBUM IS CUMMING THIS WEEK!!!
  7. We need to keep manifasting the digital release Don't stop Delulus. There's still a hope. They didn't announce the delay so maybe they consider releasing it for streaming. OR maybe it will be only 1 week to 1 month delay. We can wait but pls not half of fking year...
  8. ok ok ok mature bois and girls. You are so cool and mature but I think... it's not nice to lie to millions of people giving them random dates for which they are excited and happy af and then doing nothing about that like it was just a troll. Is it hard to say that something is delayed and apologise? 4 days and I don't care. Nothing about the delay is said yet. I will be angry but in july 5th.
  9. LET'S DO THIS @! Who's ready for the party under her window wherever she lives?
  10. Guys. The album is not delayed yet. Why are you so negative. I expect the album this week and I don't care. She posted an official thing on her beautiful instagram and didn't say a thing about the delay. I don't trust some random boi from twitter who can just troll us hard. Don't let anyone manipulate you. 4 fking days
  11. Where do you liv-- Guys. STOP. You need to stop. Cherry Blossom is Lana's best song. Very close to Yosemite and you can'r troll here to annoy the Powerful Cult Of the Delusional Minds. You need to go outside and have some mental rest. Go meditade under a beautiful tree and clear your ugly souls. Thank you very much. Get some therapy. Bye.
  12. This thread needs to be closed.
  13. Omg the new beautiful alboom is comming in less than 5 days So excited. Love you Lana
  14. I don't like the energy here :/ 5 days... Can't u just wait? We have no info about the delay.
  15. The fk is happening -.- Why are you crying. The only official thing is that the album is cumming this week -.- Who said that it's not.
  17. Banned for having a big COCC and being too lovely
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