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Everything posted by DeluluKing

  1. DeluluKing likes playing league of legends. His last game was yesterday When was the last time you listened to Yosemite?
  2. 1 WEEK AND WE STILL DON'T KNOW IF THIS ALBUM IS EVEN COMMING. Mother of god i think its delayed and we are going to have fun with another september 5th
  3. One week and we don't even know if the alboom is even cumming <3 Being Lana's stan is special.
  4. I think... COCC has only 3 timeless tracks. WD, COCC and ofc THE YOSEMITE... The rest is milky sadly. Ur taste is repetitive and u need a therapy + Guns N' Roses is a fine track.
  5. Wtf??? Xd Yosemite is like top 1 Lana track she ever made and some ppl hate it? Plz I don't know if COCC album even deserves Yosemite
  6. Yaas gaga yaas new album next week. I cant wait for the preorder tomorrow... We are so happy... Right?
  7. I don't want fking thunder I want cherry blossom
  8. DeluluKing

    Billie Eilish

    People are so stupid... Poor billie.
  9. 01. Norman ****ing Rockwell - 27.06.18 02, Mariners Apartment Complex (I'm Your Man) - 31.08.18 03. Venice Bitch - 26.06.18 04. **** it I Love You - 23.07.19 05. Doin' Time - 04.04.19 06. Love Song - 06.08.18 07. Cinnamon - 18.12.18 08. How to Disappear - 20.01.19 09. California - 18.01.19 10. The Next Best American Record - N/A 11. The Greatest - 13.02.19 12. Bartender - N/A 13. Happiness - 30.06.18 14. Sylvia Plath - 04.08.18 Can we stop using this tasteless date format? It had to be fixed.
  10. Imagine dragging an user for being "tasteless and delusional" who is actually Lana visiting this forum
  11. You won't be disappointed.
  12. Because ppl were mad for ARIANA not getting the grammy. Even Billie mentioned Ariana and her TUN that it should win instead when obviously Lana deserved it 5 times more. It was so annoying.
  13. Wow. This green looks so good blue green and gray vinyls
  14. Does she care? She should fking win but ugh... I don't think she needs a grammy. It was nice to give it to Billie and make her teenage fans happy and inspired - she should understand it. Not focus on the ego and write shit post for milions of ppl following her
  15. The vinyl will be blue like blue banisters btw. or... Brown! Because you know - Lana is not a racist and she is dating with the rapers.
  16. Not rly. Then 99% of the content here would be moved and make this thread bald. Go stream the popular Beyonce and her new hit song BROWN SKIN GIRL Venus Fly Trap is SOTY. Marina saved us Same. Her reputation was amazing during NFR era and she was finally fking loved. Idk what the fk was this QFTC thing She is great but... Is she ok mentally? Who made her writing this shit Cherry Blossom won't be ever released - It is just an old unreleased track We don't need a good cover art and pre order with tracklist. No MV or any promo! Who cares, we just love the music and I can't wait for QFTC 2.0 where she's goind to drag the blues She is so tired of singing this ugly music.
  17. See you in XXII century and we'll see who got the right. Maybe I'm wrong and delusional because i'm from EU where most ppl barely know who Beyonce is idk.
  18. Same thing. Lana is so fking popular in my country Xd I see random ppl all the time who have Blue Jeans etc. as ringtone. But Beyonce??? Who is she? Just a popular girl from America Who listen to her for the music. Lana could murder ur child and her music would be listened more than beyonce's anyway. Beyonce has the name and popularity but Lana has the music. BTD will be still listened next century when idk if Beonce will be even remembered at that time. The ppl will have new even more popular Bey kind of singer with tons of streams.
  19. Idk why it's such a big deal for you. I said what I said. More ppl listen to Lana than Beyonce for sure but most of them don't rly care about the streams etc. They just have downloaded music on the phones and listen to this because It's good, not popular. Show normal ppl like ur mom/dad/uncle who don't even know what streaming is Lana and Beyonce and you'll understand.
  20. Im just saying truth. You are Delusional to think otherwise BECAUSE ITS BEYONCEEEEEEE. THE MUSIC - > Im so fking sure - I'd cut my hand that more ppl listen to Lana than Beyonce. At least in my country. U'd show Beyonce -> Cringe. Show Lana -> Nice
  21. For me. Beyonce is less popular than Lana. I can see MUCH MORE PPL actually listening to LDR rather than her. Maybe Beyo fans stream more but im sure more ppl just download Lana's music and actually listen. Show 100 random ppl some Lana songs and some Beyonce -> 90% of them would say that they'd more likely listen to Lana
  22. Banned for being a Living Legend The taste, the touch the way we love. You are too good for this forum. Yosemite Track 9
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