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Posts posted by GodBlessMe

  1. hi everyone

    recently i've lost just about all my friends, and i'm feeling shitter than ever, spending most days in bed crying or asleep, and i just wanted to say thank you to lanaboards as although i haven't posted myself, i enjoy everyday coming on and reading all the posts and the theories, artworks and arguments lol etc. sounds sad i guess but i think now the only reason i'm still here and bother to continue on this planet is for lanas music and lanaboards that comes with that. I'm very excited for her new record, really hope it's worth this wait. I'm not looking for sympathy, i just wanted to say how much this site has actually meant to me.it's now been weeks since anyone has texted, snapchat, facebook etc, and i do feel, i guess a sense of happiness when on this site as there's things to read and stuff and i feel less alone?

    sorry for the long post, it's taken me some time to write this and i think i feel like i'm ok with now posting this. thank you lanaboards x

    I'm so glad our meltdowns and messiness makes someone happy! 

    In all seriousness tho, I know you're not looking for sympathy, but you can always send me a message if you feel like talking to someone!  :heart:

  2. I doubt every song on Lust For Life will be bright and positive. Cherry and White Mustang sound like typical sad Lana songs about bad relationships and apparently WTWWAWWKD is so dark that she considered scrapping it. Change sounds quite dark as well. Obviously she will always be Lana, she's not suddenly gonna release songs like Happy by Pharell Williams :rip:

  3. recording a whole album live and moving away from the hip hop and cinematic instruments that made her well known is not innovative? recording an album so drastically different from the last that her record company didn't support it isn't innovative? recording a live alternative rock album and moving away from her pop sound meanwhile everyone else gets pop-ier isnt innovative? not selling out like her record company wanted her to and recording an album that sounds like the west coast isn't innovative? do you know what the word innovative means?



    some of y'all .....



    What I meant was that she didn't do anything that hadn't been done before by other artists. Obviously it was an innovation of her own sound, but she didn't innovate music in general. 

  4. Thanks to Katy's support of President Clinton in 2016, I purchased 5 of her new cd.

    Just to say thank you.

    Never purchased anything of hers in the past, do not listen to her, but her politics got my money.

    (yes, my actual purchased in a store money.)


    Just to say Thanks!


    and I do hope she remains political.  Doesn't matter how she got there, only that she did.

    (btw- I think 90% of her sales were physical cds not stream, not download just like the Beatles remastered Sgt. Pepper's, leads me to believe perhaps

    a lot of her sales were thank you from Democratic Liberal fans.


    and someone commented on her hair-

    In a philosophical sense- her hair is akin to someone who was abused beaten and just wanting

    to take a long show to wash the stench of Trump off, and

    after the theft of the 2016 election from President Clinton, the majority of America feels like that more and more each day.




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