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Everything posted by ArtDecoDelRey

  1. nicole godland posted an old bts scene of a lana photoshoot and changed her profile pic on insta to A PICTURE OF CHEMTRAILS
  2. little bit of a stretch imo but i do love it and think it deserves more recognition
  3. rick also with is this happiness and terrence loves you! two of her best piano ballads
  4. i think the only thing about cultural appropriation was a comparison of summer bummer with katy perry and miley cyrus being culture vultures (saying that lana's collabs with black artists felt natural and appropriate)
  5. i always thought of it as her man telling her "you're pretty when you cry" but sung from her perspective after hearing those types of remarks
  6. still sticking with august 10 for something to be released! and obviously july 17/18 (?) from terrence's mum, maybe that will just be some sort of clarification
  7. the trend of bashing lana basically died off by 2015 i guess...
  8. but the choices her and her friends are making during this pandemic can, probably have, and will continue to negatively affect other people. We're not just shit talking her, and it's oblivious to pretend that the wealthy white people haven't shown their true colors while the rest of the nation struggles to make ends meet...
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsy6FOAuSXU lol I guess this is where that's from
  10. we've known Jen's priorities are out of wack since she had noise complaints about BLM protests outside of her window...
  11. yeah, there's no point in denying that Lana is not at all PC or enlightened enough on societal issues to be a celebrity in 2020. If she hadn't had a career long decade at this point, she'd probably lose her career
  12. relating to all this, Lana def has so much internalized misogyny, it's not even funny.
  13. in terms of our patriotic tunes... American > National Anthem > God Bless America - And All The Beautiful Women In It
  14. i'm crying.... name a hotter family though
  15. https://www.instagram.com/stories/final_garden/2345530814642524357/ READY for this content omfg
  16. literally, and it's annoying bc they find out everything like two days after LB and i have to tell everyone everything and they think i'm an insider or sumn
  17. can LA times chill the fuck out... they literally posted hate article after hate article when the "question for the kulture" dropped
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