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honey dew

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Posts posted by honey dew

  1. Umm what if the 200 page book was not BTIG but was in fact a memoir or something and the camcorder footage was going to accompany it? If it was poetry would she have a hard copy, voice notes etc,? Is 200 pages on a typewriter feasible? Did she say it was 200 pages of poetry in the vid i can't remember

  2. 11 minutes ago, BartenderDeco said:

    if she didn’t add lana’s name onto the song and everyone found out she was on it on the release date you all would’ve been even more mad. everyone should just be happy with what we got 

    Hard agree with the first sentence hard disagree with the second sentence . Why should we be happy with this shite!

  3. 17 hours ago, brandon said:

    but since midnights should (?) be a return to a bigger era, especially since she’ll be touring it next year, i’m sure she’ll push multiple singles over the next year ++

    Immediate prophesy of Lana randomly joining taylor on stage to perform SOTB :wub: The next couple of years are going to be so fun for stanning, like NFR era levels of fun

  4. 23 minutes ago, Frangipani said:

    Wtf is wrong with you?

    Two innocent people were just put to death. Have some fucking respect.

    ....I wasn't talking about those two people. they have my utmost respect, and I think it's extremely depressing and disturbing. I was lamenting the fact that random chronically online lgbt people who live in countries where you don't get put to death for being lgbt will inevitably turn this into a "see what hardships WE face" argument, which is really frustrating and disrespectful

  5. 23 minutes ago, TheDollClub said:

    I can confirm that Lana’s next album will be called Del Norte County. I can not reveal my sources but what I can say is that the album will have around 13 songs. The album is mostly finished, there’s still some adjustments left, but I don’t think she will release it this or next month. Here are some of the songs that an insider has said will be on the album. 


    Del Norte County - It’s a country song mixed with pop elements, very similar to Tulsa and Yosemite. 


    The Rain - This is the song that Lana teased in her Honeymoon post on Instagram. It’s such a Ultraviolence song with heavy guitars in the chours. It’s a bit repetative though. 


    Crypto Crashing - The best song on the album. Sounds very similar to Chemtrails. In the song she talk more about the family drama through out her life. 


    Watercolor Eyes - 1 out of 3 songs written for the album and sent to Euphoria, she really loves this song and wanted it on the album. 


    Far From Me - This is actually a re-worked version of Yes to Heaven with the same music but different lyrics. Kind of like the Best American Record chours on NFR. 


    Uncanny - This song is unlike anything we’ve heard so far. It’s a very experimental song mixing elements of EDM, pop, and jazz. 


    Nueva - A very country sounding song about her growing up. Reminds me of a Lizzy Grant song. This is also one of the 3 songs that was sent to Euphoria. 


    Long Nails on Your Back - This song sounds like it could be on Honeymoon. It has that glamour from Salvatore and that sexiness from Music to Watch Boys To. 


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