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Posts posted by movebaby

  1. My crackhead uncle who you might know as one of the most famous FBI/NASA agents confirmed that NFR has been reworked into a Christmas album and it’ll release in February. He knows this bc he works at a lice, fleas & ticks company in Antartica

    Do you guys want me to ask him anything?

    could you ask him if the rumor of a vinyl printed with a photo of jackoff as santa claus is true?

  2. I made a Tiermarker for ranking preferred NFR vinyl colours. Almost all of the submissions from the audience were green, so I selected a few greens, and picked a few other colours in case some crazy person wants orange or something.




    And these were the audience submissions for reference, so that we can make fun of those people who picked visually offensive tones like nuclear green @movebaby



    make fun of me all you want but i’ve decided i’m bored of laurel canyon vibes and this album needs to be rebranded as a cyber-punk-electro-goth-rave-dance-techno release, beginning with a violently green vinyl

    Bitches drag their mate for choosing nuclear green and then put it in the "yes" category. I'm bitches.



    you know you love me xoxo gossip girl


    I think these'd b feasible tumblr_pghs35vmbl1ufg3jio3_400.gif but whut about "chaseisbbcakes" or "notracklist" "whoknowswhenitscomingowt"






    "jackilovethesechords" "almostbrokemyarmfakesurfinglolz" "plottwistthatchameleonaccountwasme" "timepresentandtimepastandtimefutureandalsoparalleluniversesandnothingmeansshitanymore"

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