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Posts posted by movebaby

  1. i'm just looking forward to when all this becomes about lana's "oddly positioned ears" again


    well actually now that you mention it i don't think we should be allowed to say anything critical of lana ever, because she is certainly very sensitive about her mis-positioned ears (who wouldn't be, with ears as egregiously low as hers?), and if we say anything that is not explicitly positive reinforcement, she may think we are discriminating against her on the basis of ear placement and never know a moment of happiness again


    the album we DESERVED:


    1. Muscle Beach Baby 

    2. Jack I Love These Chords

    3. Marxist Folk Tune

    4. Midknife

    5. God Bless Los Angeles - And All The Neon Matcha Baddies In It

    6. Music To Watch British Politicians To

    7. Stew

    8. Polaroid Nudes

    9. Jack, u tapped the mic at 2:13 in LFA wtf

    10. Internalized Misogyny

    11. VSCO Filter Baby

    12. And All My White T-Shirts (Are Ruined, Bitch)

    13. Ultrasilence: an NFR prelude


    let's play fill in the blanks  :hooker:



    coming september 31, 2019: the new album, I.O.U., from Lana Del Rey

  3. Your move, @movebaby


    the album we DESERVED:


    1. Muscle Beach Baby 

    2. Jack I Love These Chords

    3. Marxist Folk Tune

    4. Midknife

    5. God Bless Los Angeles - And All The Neon Matcha Baddies In It

    6. __________

    7. Stew

    8. Polaroid Nudes

    9. __________

    10. Internalized Misogyny

    11. VSCO Filter Baby

    12. And All My White T-Shirts (Are Ruined, Bitch)

    13. __________


    let's play fill in the blanks  :hooker:



    back atcha rorman

  4. Honestly I think Lana is the season to come out of our house for christmas morning we have been in bed with all my family friends over here so i’m has not yet had any delicious and tasty drinks that you would be happy that they were there but it wasn’t even worth getting upset when’s your last night or a couple weeks before. if you’re going home tonight will probably do something later on saturday one time i’m next. i’m should. i’m day was good fun game. i’m didn’t want me back again today because i’m she. i’m always makes us feel like i’m god bless all. period pooh


    i agree

  5. tbf i was never a fan of how to disappear but almost all lana songs sound good when she performs them with a piano only so i really dont get why y’all pretend as if that live performance was some sort of confirmed studio version demo as they were clearly still working on it in the livestream she did....



    and yeah she should have ran to rick to produce it or emile they would have served muddy beats over piano and strings that don’t sound like a garageband sample


    uh literally where did i say anything about the live performance being a confirmed demo? i've hated that livestream production with a vengeance ever since i first heard it, and the live performance just happens to be a perfect example of what it could have been. not sure why you're quoting me to say this shit but...go off i guess?


    and for the record i don't want rick or emile anywhere near that song either

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