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Posts posted by movebaby

  1. This will be extremely unpopular, possibly as unpopular as my opinions about the swearing in Cherry, but:


    I really don't like "the culture's lit" lyric in The Greatest. I think it detracts from the beautiful, serious tone that the rest of the song has, and I think it's only there because it rhymes with the next line ("and if this is it").


    I don’t think there is any hidden meaning, or if there is, it’s so hidden that that lyric sticks out like a sore thumb.


    hard agree, it really cheapens the song imo

  2. also yes im a sensitive baby so i take everything as an attack even if you don't mean it that way im a water sun moon AND rising so

    me 2 lets be sensitive babies together


    Film is my PASHUN but I won't get into detail on what I liked & didn't like because I don't think anyone cares that deeply but I will say, the videos are real cute but no they do not surpass her best videos. The settings/views are beautiful, her legs are national treasures, her smile & her skin are competing for the brightest glow trophy. :hooker:

    bitch i care that deeply


    All the gays who were saying Fuck It I Love You wasn't good based on the snippet are looking like clowns now  :flop:  It's such a bop and so beautiful at the same time. Her teary smile at the camera crushed my heart  :aw:

    it me  :toofunny: what can i say, i was sorely mistaken

  3. Just got off the phone with my extremely reliable uncle who most of you are familiar with as the man who's given us tons of inside info (you may also know him from the crack pipe company he owns). He confirmed there actually is a box set for NFR but we just don't know when it's coming. He did provide some info of the things that will be in the box set & I'll list them below.


    The box set will include:

    • A neon green vape that says "Norman Freaking Rockwell" in the most neon pink you've ever seen.
    • A Matcha Cha Cha $2 gift card.
    • A 20% off your first soul cycle class voucher.
    • Like a "get out of jail free" card but instead, it's a "do nothing, the most of all" card for when you want to skip work or class, your boss/ professor MUST accept it or they'll go to prison.
    • A NFR CD, vinyl, cassette, DVD, floppy disk, USB, SD card.
    • "Violets Bent Over Da Lit Grass & Into this Ass" poetry book but it's only halfway finished.
    • A signed picture of Chuck's snake (it's signed by someone but no one knows by who).
    • An XXXXL white t-shirt with "Normie" handwritten on it using a green sharpie which is nearly dried out.
    • A signed lithograph of Lana's toes. Again, we don't know who signed it (maybe Ben or the people at the factory, your guess is as good as mine).
    • An extremely complex silly band (by Silly Bandz themselves) in the shape of the Hillsong logo.


    My uncle says there is more stuff but he just hasn't seen it all. He will try to find out what else is in there as well as when it'll drop & he'll let us know. 

    Please don't believe anything else you may hear unless it's directly from me or my unckie. I will keep you dolls posted, I promise.


    please let your uncle know that if he can somehow finesse me an early copy of this glorious box set, i will trade him 5 kilos of pure crack cocaine and my second born child (i had to trade the first one for the crack) 

  4. Doin' Time cameo in TG video 5TkywUFyn_w.jpg She is really consistent this time around with the the aesthetics of the era

    ok i would be HERE for a santeria cover


    Yall here with producers or whatever... i want lana’s next album to be written and produced by whoever wrote “in the cock in the cock in the cockpit i’m your baby”

    darla g worly is my favorite producer  :brows:


    bel air is in my top 3 of lana songs  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  omg  :excited:



    He didn't ruin them because he barely did anything with them, most of them sound really dry/flat and have this sort of underwhelming and  really subdued sound. I have nothing against a stripped down (or acoustic, if you will) type of sound, but does it have to be this lackluster and basic?

    user maxdenhaag continues to provide the correct takes


    I don't understand the hate for TNBAR's new lyrics. They're cute and California-based now, just like the rest of the record

    the thing is, lana is perfectly capable of churning out cute california-based songs till the cows come home; the original BAR was different and intriguing

  5. some thots on love song



    i fully admit that i'm one of the first to point out that minimalism doesn't make something automatically good and to defend interesting production, but i don't mind at all that this doesn't explode. it doesn't feel like it needs to. a simple song with such a heartstoppingly pretty melody? fuck me allllll the way up. it almost reminds me of old money in that sense (and old money is my favorite lana song, so i don't say that lightly). its so pure and so gorgeous and i just...ughhhhhhhhhh


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