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Posts posted by movebaby

  1. Her ears are too low on her head for her to be attractive, though.


    guys we have a real misogynist on our hands! imagine how much you have to hate women to come up with this one all by yourself in your very own twisted little male brain. user rorman nockwell thinks this poor OLD AGING beverly hills soccer mom should suffer BODILY HARM just because her ears are too low

  2. I love how we are finally discussing something and some of you babies are whining around and say that it's fighting/arguing.

    Nah it's a discussion with different opinions being displayed, something this board is meant for.

    Do you rather want this topic to go back to 100% shitposts and "I WOANT THE ALBOOM WHEEEERE IS POSTS"? Maybe boards are not for you then and you should go back to Lanas instagram comment sections.


    ^^^ you're right and you should say it!

  3. And though I do think hope is a really great song, lyrically, there's a couple awkward moments that should have been reconsidered. I don't mind the "shaking my ass" line because it feels warranted, and the crudeness of the phrasing is in step with the casual, honest tone of the song, but the "fucking white gown/nightgown" lines feel and sound stilted, and they bother me every time I hear the song. It's like "fucking" was added there just so that she'd have enough syllables to fit to the melody, or something. I am here for her cussing up a damned storm if she pleases, I just can't help but cringe when it sounds awkward or forced, and not like how people actually talk.


    you took the words directly out of my mouth, agreed 100%

  4. Because if you complain about anything a woman does, you are a misogynistic, Hillsong-loving, homophobe. This was literally confirmed by all the sciences in the world. Use it to your advantage! I ran over my neighbor’s dog & I told them it’d be misogynistic to get mad at me so they didn’t! :hooker:

    omg thank you so much for the tip! i can’t believe i’ve been letting people contradict me my whole life...i think i’ll probably shoplift some groceries tonight, since it would be misogynistic of them to try and charge me

  5. Oh look here's the new tracklist:


    Norman Fucking Rockwell


    Mariner's Motherfucking Apartment Complex


    Happiness is a Butterfly, you miserable fucks


    Roses Bloom For You, Bitch


    In your fucking car I'm a fucking star and I'm fucking burning the fuck through you


    Fuck it, I love you


    You don’t ever fucking have to fucking be fucking stronger than you fucking are, motherfucker


    The Greatest (Motherfucker)


    Cinnamon FFS


    hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it, so go fuck yourself


    How the fuck to disappear


    Venice Bitch


    if she doesn't give us co-writing credits we need to sue

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