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Everything posted by movebaby

  1. this is exactly how i feel/felt, and why i tried so so hard to like the album at first
  2. thank god i haven’t submitted my lipster noms yet cuz this looks like a campaign for worst taste
  3. thanks babe! appreciate your posts in here, you know whats up and do a great job articulating it
  4. this i think is my biggest issue with the album (and not just this album, its a broader phenomenon): i understand and appreciate the concept of trying to leave space for imagination and i think thats a really beautiful idea, but you have to spark that imagination in the first place. leaving room is all well and good but you gotta kickstart what you're leaving room for! its like jack/lana were like "ok we're gonna go for a candle instead of a firework show with this one" but then forgot to actually light the candle
  5. i don't have anything to add, just felt like this bore repeating for those in the back
  6. i agree! leaning all the way in with shut your mouth as the opener? power move if ever i heard one
  7. banned bc lana uncannily resembles my therapist in your profile pic
  8. if it bothers you that much, the sign out button is right there! i'm really not sure what name-calling and meltdowns are going to solve here
  9. do you just genuinely not understand the purpose of warning points?
  10. i mean there’s a clear difference between saying something about a celebrity on the internet at large and replying directly to someone
  11. nice to see the name change hasn't affected your proclivity for sweeping, categorical insults
  12. banned for mentioning drugs in your username, how dare you corrupt the innocent souls of lanaboards dot com
  13. sad but true! luckily help is out there: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hearing-loss/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20373077
  14. banned for condoning fucked up teeth
  15. banned bc the disembodied mouth in your profile pic only has 2 front teeth between the canines and its creeping me out
  16. banned for blatant illuminati imagery, we like to keep our associations on the down low around these parts
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