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About Lanadelfar

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    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Finding Lana Del Rey. Philosophy. No other interests.

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  1. I just want to do it for the experience tbh... I'm sure it's different from the leaks; it's the copyright version so it'll be a clean full audio..
  2. The Illuminati were a society of anti-catholic scientists trying to prove all church teachings wrong. Lana's a Catholic. Furthermore the formal Illuminati society died out in the 18th century
  3. Do people ACTUALLY have Lana's personal Facebook or are they messing around and have I really been out of this loop for two years?
  4. I'm going to DC this summer; I've contacted the Office of Records and they have yet to reply (I hit em up early this morning so idk) and I know I have the money for this so... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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