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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. it's okay!! it's easy to get out of the loop when 5 pages appear every 5 minutes also, dealer snippet and arcadia snippet leaked in case you missed that!
  2. we actually discovered this earlier today! but thanks bestie!
  3. dealer = pretty when you cry text book = west coast (w that tempo change) she's coming to SERVE, your honor
  4. no bc this might be a contender for my favorite lana album... if she dethrones honeymoon/ultraviolence-
  5. lustforlife just said they didn't leak dealer and now they're giving the track numbers.. something seems off
  6. i think it's real. i can tell it's her voice, she's just belting so it makes it harder to tell. but i know it's her.
  7. dealer sounds AMAZING. the best thing she ever did was drop jack. AOTY incoming.
  8. it's gonna be so rough for me. the only time i did this with a lana song was when white dress came out. that was torture.
  9. BB in october. BB in october. BB in october. GIVE US THAT WITCHY ALBUM MA'AM.
  10. i predict scat tonight for the tracklist reveal tmrw and scat tuesday night for pre-order wednesday
  11. a 2-second snippet of arcadia leaked and all it is is her singing "arcadia"
  12. it really is. i haven't listened to WW, BB, or TB for months now. those songs are constantly playing in my head. they're just so good. but i know we're getting the album in october, i just know it. i can wait another month.
  13. the fact that i've chosen to not listen to arcadia until the album is gonna be torturous (im excited to see everyone's reactions tho)
  14. me in my 1pm class on wednesday watching everyone enjoy arcadia while i suffer in silence:
  15. there shouldn't be a doubt in any of y'all's minds that pre-order isn't coming this week... -two insiders confirmed that pre-order is coming alongside arcadia's release (one from popjustice and on from eclipse's discord) -https://lana.lnk.to/bluebanistersalbum is now working and leads you to spotify! this is usually a really good sign that we're getting pre-order soon!! -the price of the chemtrails CD has lowered on her store as their probably trying to get rid of stock to prepare for BB -the village/her store made changes behind the scenes which could mean they're updating her website for the pre-order the signs are there besties! if we didn't have the link to the album, i would still be suspicious but now i don't have a doubt in my mind that pre-order is coming this week. and i will be the first one on that pop-justice insider's doorstep if it doesn't happen.
  16. every hour there's a fight anyways stream arcadia on sept 8
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