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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. feeling the hype again for the album. it was gone for like two days when lana decided to delete social media but now the excitement is back. i cant believe we're 37 days away from her magnum opus.
  2. yeah i'm really not sure either. but it is quite strange how she was doing promo for the album via instagram and posting frequently. then, all the sudden, she decided to jump ship and delete all of her accounts? maybe it is a promo tactic. maybe she'll come back after the album drops. but, knowing lana, it could just be that she needs a break which i totally understand after all the hate she constantly receives. and we know how she doesn't actually care for promo. but it would be really great if this was just a strategy for the album.
  3. i'm taking a music marketing class this semester and we were talking about cult followings. someone brought up lana's QFTC post and so i banked off of that and mentioned how she deleted all of her social media a month before her new album comes out. my professor said that it's a really great marketing technique if a big artist has a project coming up. so, maybe, this is just strategic. maybe she'll come back a day before the album or the day of. although, knowing lana, this probably isn't promotion. it's just her. my professor gave me a small ounce of hope tho. i thought you'd all like to know that.
  4. i think lana should've chosen to drop social media after BB comes out. there must've been something that made her change so sudden. it just feels like everyone's hype decreased a tiny bit and i feel the same. i'm still super excited for this album. i cant wait. but it's still sad knowing no news will really follow the release. i wish we'd get one more music video after.
  5. listened to the greatest on my drive home from work. i have to admit that i did get choked up a bit.
  6. it just doesn't feel real. miss girl has an album coming out next month and she's gonna disappear. ugh. BB is the only thing keeping my afloat rn.
  7. i'm a little depressed about this but i'll get over it. i respect her decision. it'll suck not feeling that personal connection to her via social media any more. this definitely feels like a lorde situation. i hope she doesn't disappear for that long.
  8. in all seriousness tho, i couldn't be more excited for this album. everything about it seems so promising. the album cover(s), the tracklist, etc. everything's just perfect. i couldn't stop thinking about it during work today.
  9. poor BB hasn't even been released yet and she's already being thrown to the curb
  10. everyone saying she should officially release a cover from the doors, i know that's right!! if we keep bringing it up, maybe our manifestation will work!
  12. manifesting that the covers album is a bunch of classic rock songs from artists like the doors and fleetwood mac. i will not put up for a snoozefest album full of YNWA's.
  13. i wonder if she's gonna do anything before the 22nd. maybe one more single and mv? i couldn't see her doing much more than that.
  14. hii does anyone know when we're supposed to get an email for uploading our vaccine card to be able to go to the tour? i cant find any info on it besides her tweet.
  15. 41 listeners to Beautiful? inch resting... she must be an easily accessible track by insiders?
  16. i'd love to see mike dean and lana's studio session when creating WW, i feel like it'd be so interesting to watch them work together.
  17. just realized that jack liked her BB announcement post. i'm surprised.
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