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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. thinking about the sierra madre or lana's chest or something.. idk i haven't heard the entire song yet
  2. BB in the same vein of UV and HM? aka her two best albums. aka her magnum opuses. aka that means BB is going to be top tier.
  3. over 85 members in this thread.. for what!? a couple of dick pics on that site? unsolicited cocks should be the new scat!!
  4. look, as much as i don't want to be scarred again, i think we need a new, random user to post some scat soon. that's the only way we'll get an HQ album leak. all the mods are away, now is your time to shine!
  5. lustforlife and arcadialovesong2018 competing for biggest liar at the lipsters awards 2021
  6. y'all are so brave for opening files that are not .mp3 on that site... i've learned my lesson last era.. NEVER OPEN THE IMAGES. i've been scarred too many times.
  7. even tho this pre-release has been (mostly) uneventful, i'm thankful that the wait has been moving fast. we're literally 10 days away from a new album.
  8. when we need cassette girl the most, she's no where to be found. who's gonna fill the position?!?
  9. so who's gonna be the one to go to 5 different record stores today and search for the album??? we need to step up our game if we want it to leak.
  10. should've been a blueberry shake or sumn still i love that they do this for her albums (just wish i lived in LA)
  11. i haven't read the past million pages so someone might've said this already... but i was doing some comparison to the previously unreleased tracks to their released version from the songs i have in my library and this is what i found. Thunder Unreleased: 4:30 Released: 4:19 Nectar of the Gods Unreleased: 4:24 Released: 4:20 Living Legend Unreleased: 4:04 Released: 4:01 Cherry Blossom Unreleased: 3:17 Released: 3:18 to me, this shows that thunder is probably the only reworked one. unless she recorded new vocals for the others. thought it was interesting to point out!
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