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Everything posted by Waywent
dorian electra is not even kind of cancelable tbh, they made a gr8 album with actually queer writers & producers (and umru) and literally they're so nice and they support everyone, not to mention their nightlife connections pretty much singlehandedly gave charli the opportunity to "tour" pop 2 last year beyond the new york, LA and london shows by organizing and putting on the femmebot fantasy afterparties, which always featured local queer talent! severely unproblematic king, stream flamboyant.
man it's so crazy and awesome that you can load up any streaming service of your choice and stream the new single by charli xcx & christine and the queens "gone" today and literally any day huh
oh hell yeah, double release week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qDt_BrsUiA
well like, thats what happened lol - chris wrote the chorus and her verse. if we take "ne me cherche pas, je ne suis puis la" from the bridge as the actual original hook, which i'm inclined to do bc it rhymes and makes a lot more sense grammatically, "don't search me in here, i'm already gone" is actually more like "don't look for me, i'm not here" but they really DIRECTLY translated it.
woah...click here, it'll help u calm down
i'd actually guess that the original lyrics were in french and then just kinda roughly translated for the song, like her french lines in the bridge are a lot more grammatically sound - not a native speaker though so correct me if im wrong all you francophones in here!
the whole song seems to have a theme of switching the space of the sound from a really small room to a really big one and once it gets super cavernous to bring it all back in which imo is a really cool way to communicate the simultaneous feelings of claustrophobia and being overwhelmed and feeling really small - would not put it past a.g. and nomak to actually consider that mixing is done by geoff swan btw he does all of a.g's mixes
this is queer music made by queer people for queer people (ironically w/ the exception of str8 boy umru on Adam & Steve which is the gayest song on the album including the iconic line "god made me gay" and it's fantastic) and it's so good. its also proof that PC Music's descendants are going to overtake the OGs for sure - robokid and socialchair are your easyfun, absrdst is your danny l harle, umru and dylan brady bring the A.G. and SOPHIE elements - fav song is fReAkY 4 Life, least fav is probably live by the sword - it just doesnt really go anywhere. guyliner also is like, the same tempo and chord progression as femmebot but the "masc 4 mascara" line saves it.
probably a bit more comfortably than that
an indeterminate amount of time between "soon" and "never"
there literally is no 100 bad slander in that post - was just sayin she sounds like she just woke up on xxxtc
i mean if you like charli sounding like she just woke up, yeah
its up to y'all to let it become that lol, it's a minute-long sketch they did for fun that umru's playing out now theres a 99% chance itll never get officially released or maybe he'll drop it in a mix after charli's album is out but i doubt it
i have a dorian electra avatar and super sunset was aoty 2018 for me, ive accepted this
wish i agreed skips for me are got my number, sweet spot, all i do is cry, biiiig skip on meet the parents possibly her worst ever, and shinin
nah i said that the clean version of blame it on your love had lizzo screaming "WHAT" over every "fuck" so you cant trust anything i say
i suggest y'all actually listen to that remix before making your judgments...shit SLAPS
lmao cheers to you for actually singing along to Gone omg
don't think we can make this exact distinction tbh - just bc it came after pop 2 doesnt specifically mean it was part of this album's sessions. would be like saying superlove was a true romance outtake or dinosaur sex was a 14 outtake
i too also hate getting new music from my favorite artist who tf does she think she is ugh
the founder of pc music is executive producing her album of course it does
tracklist: 1. Mr. To You 2. Career Boy 3. Daddy Like 4. Man to Man 5. Emasculate 6. Flamboyant 7. Musical Genius 8. Guyliner 9. Live By the Sword 10. Adam & Steve 11. fReAkY 4 Life
do me > broken > everything else
she's likely putting together her summer festival set, spicy's the perfect song for that, she gets to basically just do drunken karaoke covers of wannabe and dance to a tropical diplo drop