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Everything posted by Waywent

  1. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    fiyacracka fiyacracka bing bang boom!!! no it didnt anyone remember when dynamite was being called "ISIS" lmao
  2. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    if it helps, it becomes a lot less torturous when you stop caring about it
  3. Waywent


    fuck all the others - we need no choice now...miss cecile believe on the vocals!!!!!
  4. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    the use of the word "own" says it all
  5. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    oh yea obvs that was the intention i love this i hope she actually was that clever lol
  6. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    could also be "bust it in the club like a crazy B" as in short for bitch - remember this was the album of "we keep it B-A-U-tiful"
  7. yeah it's just an IG story snippet from them recording/working on it
  8. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    good rule of thumb is that if it comes with demo/mix and version numbers its prob fake
  9. Waywent


    shes so nice now, theres nothing to worry about
  10. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    following "charli" with "xcx" would be iconic tbh
  11. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    the fact that mercedes didn't sponsor this is insane to me they literally won't shut up about the song on their socials...she had to get beats and some watch for product placement for a song called "white mercedes"...
  12. Waywent


    don't like this. please dont revert this thread back to 2016 nonsense, stream fresh laundry, do your laundry
  13. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    could it be ali tamposi??? it kinda fits her style
  14. Waywent

    Kim Petras

    dr luke having credits on every single track...don't love to see that
  15. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    there would be no way of knowing who was singing at any point
  16. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    vroom vroomin....might die
  18. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    ty for these!! catching so many little details i didnt before
  19. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    i hate y'all so much for leaking the white mercedes demo because the final feels SO MUCH FASTER than it should and it's really bugging me
  20. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    iirc true romance didn't leak, and also the whole "two unheard songs on it" thing is also not entirely true - no one had ever heard or expected the grins intro into nuclear seasons, lock you up had only ever been played in full live besides the little demo clip on heartbreaks & earthquakes, the album version of set me free was totally different from the demos of "feel my pain" that we had (album sampler version 4 lyfe btw), we had never heard the album version of so far away i don't think, just the demo from heartbreaks & earthquakes (and to this day has never performed it live), and i think the same was true for how can i??? i dont remember entirely but there's a lil xcx history lesson for you mixtape kids
  21. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    i love how there is not one person who is actually adhering to their own country's legal release date for this album. tonight, we are all new zealanders
  22. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    2099 video is probably gonna coincide w/ album launch on friday
  23. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    thinking about the absolute bliss of knowing nothing about silver cross yet
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