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Everything posted by Waywent

  1. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    ugh she deserves this so much, sorry new zealanders and fake new zealanders this one's a PREMIERE
  2. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    nah they covered for it in the clean version, every time charli says "every time i fuck it up" they put a clip of lizzo loudly saying "WHAT" over the word "fuck"
  3. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    the one thing is that i wish this happened sooner so charli could have been part of helping lizzo break instead of kinda looking like she's cashing in
  4. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    good news bad news good news: that grey and pink cover is not real bad news: its not that far off lol also yes this is 100% accurate
  5. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    your good pal eclipse boutta get charli's single cancelled for the 3rd time lmao
  6. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    and NO one forget that the panning on what i assume is the "no boys no boys", the MSMSMSM flip in place of the bridge...the artistry of it all
  7. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    appreciate this attempt but there is literally zero logic behind saying that charli gave azealia a career, azealia blew up 3 years before charli
  8. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    spicy's only crime is being boring, charity xcx lending the features again
  9. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    whatever happens let it happen, if you like it support it if you dont like it, still support it so charli gets the stats and figures to allow her to continue to make the stuff you do or eventually will like dont make your judgments and set expectations prematurely just from a database registration, that could literally mean that lizzo only recorded her feature today and they registered the copyright after the session, and that the single still needs to go through creating the whole rollout and distribution, usually months in advance - could also mean it's dropping on friday who tf knows and it's fine if we don't too, maybe for once we can let what's meant to be a surprise drop actually be one. rip it when it comes out in nz the day before like we always do sure but for her next couple releases lets give charli what she deserves yea?
  10. Waywent

    Kim Petras

    so if you take this photo and go in the rainbow order, you can assume a tracklist like this: https://twitter.com/kimpetras/status/1093387438653751296 can't do better 123 dayz up i don't want it at all if u think about me heart to break all the time hillside boys faded hills homework slow it down which actually flows pretty nicely tbh
  11. end of the earth and soft to be strong are such rewarding closers to such underwhelming albums, best songs on love + fear respectively
  12. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    another fun reminder that if you look it up on spotify you get a totally twisted version https://open.spotify.com/track/1cGq1Ov9KLyFd54IdbKrou?si=JF822fKITruzGdLvRAl0Yw
  13. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    i'm guessing you got a F in english then however the merch and tour visuals all say "xcx girl in a xcx world" so grammar lost
  14. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    eclipse if you don't work for warner you shouldnt be using warner access to get and leak stuff bloomforyou if you DO work for warner you shouldnt be using warner access to get and leak stuff let charli have a normal album cycle please
  15. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    you are the exact type of person that dorian and umru would see right through and have zero interest in knowing you lmao holy shit if you really have a masters degree you clearly havent developed emotional maturity over the course of your education...please consider proofreading your posts and asking why you, someone with a masters degree, are picking fights with likely teenagers on a lana del rey forum
  16. Waywent


    wow i think i wrote this
  17. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    it was his EP release party and he didnt even play his whole EP he certainly isnt obligated to play unreleased songs that have already gotten him in trouble before!!!!
  18. Waywent


    i hope youre right bc if a slayyyter song came out with a completely stolen sophie drop that would definitely not help her reputation
  19. Waywent


    it absolutely is directly sampling SOPHIE's remix of friday night - that's more shameless than using the sophie sample pack, damn
  20. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    maybe doubt it doubt it doubt it nope
  21. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    that would be the clean version of I Got It from pop 2 i think
  22. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    delete that gif, i thought we established that pedophiles aren't welcome in this thread
  23. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    i mean...that's basically just Delicious, especially from 1:10 on, so....yeah you're right it's a great song
  24. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    technically they're duetting on their demo of hell yeah baby for gwen lmao
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