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Everything posted by alexzdelrey

  1. i wonder if the tropico EP is going to have different instrumentation of the songs like how body electric had a different intro
  2. that's not a tropico poster its a paradise EP edition poster and it says featuring: SS, GG, etc.
  3. tbh it doesn't look like how i pictured it. in the trailer it looks like some gangster heist film i'm really interested to see how the "heaven" scenes play out and what the story line is supposed to be
  4. i like it. I guess that's supposed to be heaven and then they get put down on earth when bel-air starts then it ends with gods and monsters I'm excited to see how "earth" looks with the cholas and everything.
  5. Elvis is my daddy, Marilyn's my mother, Jesus is my bestest friend, and John Wayne is my god
  6. Me when my grandkids come to tell me Tropico finally got released
  7. maybe she's referring to the fact the he had his "people" ask her and not himself personally? lol anyway who cares.
  8. i really like the song. Did he copy lana's style or did he used to do clip music videos for his stuff?
  9. This is really embarrassing to admit but when i'm leaving my friends house early in the morning when the sun's coming up I go to a bodega and grab a orange soda and walk around brooklyn and listen to the monologue from "ride"
  10. an idea popped into my head that the reason why it's taking so long is maybe she's going to release it on DVD? I mean she wouldn't get too much profit off of it if she just uploaded it to vevo and had a couple free screenings. I mean the last profitable thing was Y&B and Paradise. I'm not familiar with interscope so idk if they try to squeeze money out of their artists or not.
  11. I haven't waited this long for a music video ever I kinda wish I found out about it when lana tweeted about it. It would've made the wait seem shorter
  12. I see what lana's doing filming a scene for TROPICO. The nativity scene where baby lana-jesus is borned
  13. Full on stan status I just hope she's doesn't mean October as the "end of the month". Lana gets confused with time.
  14. she seems a little more annoyed with the paparazzi then the earlier videos i watched where she would laugh and joke around with them lol
  15. is there a release date yet? common lana Fall is the PERFECT time to release this shit. I'll watch it all through winter and it will keep me warm
  16. I'm sure if everyone who helped gaga got compensated she would be making 100,000 a year or something ridiculous.
  17. can't fucking wait for the NYC premiere. I will call in sick if I work that day.
  18. Ya'll bitches need Jobs. I'll tell Lana u said "Hi" when me and her are back stage discussing Tropico
  19. i'm thinking they are going for the death proof/machete robert Rodriguez look. But i hope not.
  20. i hope they premiere it in a theatre in NYC i'd totally go.
  21. those are like the white trash versions of marilyn and elvis hahaha I fucking love it though.
  22. i hope this is like 15-20 minutes long. I would die if it was like 30 min and had a storyline that followed through it all.
  23. who cares if lana gained a few pounds. Bitch deserves to eat some twinkies after giving us life.
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