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necessary sacrifice

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Posts posted by necessary sacrifice

  1. 12 minutes ago, revadece said:

    also, i don’t think watercolor eyes was ever meant to be on blue banisters, it’s not very much fitting with blue banisters lyrical themes

    hmmm i think i can actually imagine it between if you lie down with me and beautiful or between thunder and wildflower wildfire. :oic3: lots of songs on the album had breakup/toxic relationship vibes so i believe it could've been meant for it. :really: but then that is a reoccurring theme for her, so that also says nothing. :die:

  2. lana fans hate everything then get mad if every other single fan doesn't have the exact same opinion as them. :awk: some of us can just enjoy things and be happy. :thankyou: it doesn't mean we're uncritical idiots who can't be trusted to have opinions. if you don't vibe with one of her releases, you can share that without acting like you're better than people who do enjoy it. :headache: this happens with every song, every album, every video, everything. i get it, some of you are never happy and maybe you take it personally when people don't have the same criticisms as you. :um3: i hate how everything is becoming like this like everyone has to have the exact same opinions on every single thing in existence or they're branded as idiots or villains. :pft: like get over yourselves and go fly a kite. :eyeroll2: 

  3. 1 minute ago, Venice Peach said:

    I think the most logical explanation is that LYTAN is floating around and if some people have it I'm sure BOZ has it too. He then got WCE and could tell they were different songs. The only real mystery is whether he had "Rock Candy Sweet" or just saw it in the BB first tracklist and assumed it was LYTAN renamed (if it was even renamed, maybe it was still as LYTAN). We also have the magic guy on the credits so unless they did a session back then I'm pretty sure WCE is a new song recorded recently for the show 

    this is actually exactly what i'm saying. i don't think watercolor eyes is rock candy sweet but i'm not convinced loved you then and now is either bc we don't know how boz came to that conclusion. like he already had it from the first cotcc tracklist so the literal day after it came out when she announced rock candy sweet, maybe he just assumed it was that song but there could be tons of songs she wrote in the past few years with that line. i just don't think he knows for sure unless there's somwthing else he hasn't told us.

  4. 20 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    I don’t have a screenshot, but: 

    - LYTAN has the RCS line and was considered to be on Chemtrails then BB; 

    - he also said that LYTAN is not WCE even though they share a similar line. (Just like the candle on the wind thing on 3 songs- when MAC was teased, we all thought it was Yosemite renamed)

    Edit: I screenshot his original post of WCE https://imgur.com/a/pQFv4CL 


    i'll take this as he made an educated guess :um2: but doesn't actually know for sure and probably wouldn't stake his life on it :oopna2: but he's welcome to prove me wrong somehow :yesnod: i just instinctively trust no one bc everyone has an agenda.. :agree:

  5. 2 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    BoZ (maybe someone else reliable also…)
    LYTAN is the song she was supposed to include on BB and be the « title track » because it had that line. He also said that WCE is new. 
    my guess why BoZ has heard LYTAN: that song was supposed to be on Chemtrails. All the songs from COCC were « leaked » while sent to production, to a few guys, including Dealer. I wouldn’t be surprised if LYTAN was part of the lot. 

    so do you mean he had a copy of the album when it was still rock candy sweet or that the song was just on the first blue banisters tracklist or that he just assumed bc it was originally on chemtrails? do you possibly have a screenshot of him explaining it? i just wanna know what the full confirmation was bc i remember when insiders claimed mac was yosemite bc of the candle line and i know lana reuses lines a lot so who knows how many songs she's made with the rock candy sweet line

  6. ok someone explain this to me bc i clearly missed something. how do we know loved you then and now is the real rock candy sweet and that its not just another song with the phrase in it? is it just because it was almost on cotcc or did insiders have a version of the album rock candy sweet before the first draft of bb that included it? or did it maybe appear on that first bb tracklist and insiders just figured it out bc the album was almost called rcs? like how do we know watercolor eyes isn't the real rock candy sweet and the other song just also included the phrase? or is it possible maybe neither of these songs are the real rock candy sweet if she's reusing the phrase that much? sorry if we've already discussed this, i miss a lot and get confused easily.

  7. Spoiler

    so after seeing all the negative to neutral feedback on here, i listened to the song and it was great!? but maybe its bc i went into expecting to not be blown away bc of y'all lol. but the lyrics are cute and also hit pretty hard. i really like the guitars and vocals, kinda halfway between uv and cotcc imo. but honestly i have nothing to add, i just wanted to share that i like it. &i know its unlikely but it would be pretty sweet if this appeared on her next album but i hope at least she sticks with this sound/vibe. but i rarely listen to stand-alone singles so i really do hope it gets thrown onto hwr next album bc i do like it that much. &tbh i don't think the song even needs a bridge, it sounds complete as is. and js the abrupt ending would go so well on an album if the right song followed it. 

    lana if you're reading this, please put the song on your next album. thank you xoxo


  8. i almost wanna check out the show for the song :thirst: but idk how to watch it in canada :whatever2: bc i know hbo can be dicks about downloading :awk: so if anyone knows somewhere to watch it for free, it'd be greatly appreciated :heart: but then again i hate the idea of watching an explicit show about kids :eek: bc its kinda creepy even if adults play them :coffee: although i know i would've loved that when i was a teen :agree: but then i really wanna hear the lana song organically in the show as we were meant to :yesnod: so maybe i just need to get over myself lol :hide: but then idk if i can even watch it so idk why i care anyway :um3: but lets all pray the song at least becomes a hit :pray2: and she decides to put it on her next album :smokes2: bc its gonna slap :rock:

  9. 6 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:



    this is what happens when you do a soundtrack song for a show popular with gen-z :gtfo:

    until the late 60s radio stations wouldn't even play songs long than 2:30 and if someone sent in a single longer than that, it would get cut off at the end. 

    lana says reject modernity embrace tradition :smile4:

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