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Everything posted by ByDayAnother

  1. Same thing happened with Black Bathing Suit ahead of BB… may lightning strike twice!
  2. I feel like if they haven’t acknowledged her at this point, it is unlikely they ever will, bar her releasing another Video Games sized classic, which even then will require luck at it going truly viral given how she wants to avoid conventional large-scale promotion. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but I can’t really see that happening, least of all with the market constantly evolving and atomising into different demographics.
  3. I mean yeah, discussing the sonic and aural elements and characteristics of a recorded piece of music lol…literally what else would we discuss if not the recorded music
  4. I agree - as much as I love her, and would love to meet her briefly just to thank her for soundtracking my life, I’d be pretty at peace if I never saw her live. I’m all about the internal experience her studio recordings produce in me. The screaming fans would drown out her barely-there live vocals anyway.
  5. It requires specialised re-mixing from everyone creatively (or representatively, legally speaking) involved, it will happen only when and if it happens! Like you have to go through stem by stem, it’s basically doing a custom re-production of each track from the ground up
  6. I can’t believe there was a whole hour this week where I actually believed that she was releasing another album in proximity to this one 😂
  7. every now and then I post “I saw the best stans of my generations destroyed by madness” but I can’t do it any more I’m part of the problem
  8. LFL is my personal worst, but even then like you say there are always tracks that I love across albums. My favourite Lana album changes sometimes in fact, although I’d say I Chemtrails might be my most consistent one - I virtually only ever listen to it all the way through. (and though I love cherry blossom and thunder, I will absolutely concede that the fact that they use YouTube rips is unforgivable lol)
  9. In fairness you can hear this across albums quite clearly - I personally think it is intentional, and I’ve grown to love it. You really get the sense that you’re listening to what were real moments - her singing into a microphone, someone out there signing her song for us, not this disembodied voice (though that can have its magic too). I legitimately think that the slightly off-key vocals on Arcadia are intentional in a good way, and I don’t even like that song particularly. mind you, I think this is why I love Blue Banisters - it’s so sketchy and playful and unself-conscious.
  10. I feel you, this album is what’s carrying me through right now. I’m sorry that this is your reality right now. 🖤
  11. I will likely love the album but I’ll be low-key disappointed if we don’t get one 🥲
  12. @fl0r1dakil0s you don’t have to say which one (in fact please don’t), but is there a tempo change a la West Coast, TB or BBS somewhere on the album?
  13. Weird take perhaps but I’m not a fan of album trailers, at least if they contain lots of snippets. Something like LFL’s one however…
  14. Is there a tempo shift a la Text Book or BBS anywhere on the album king? Don’t need to know which one, just if 🥹
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