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Posts posted by LiamViljoen

  1. How did that Black Keys frontman Dan Auerbach produce the album?

    Del Rey: While I was working on “Ultraviolence” already in the Electric Ladyland Studio with Rick Nowels, I met Dan by chance at a restaurant in New York. He was with a few friends on the way to a strip club, and I’m just called. So we all clean in the store. There was “Summertime Sadness”, and we began to dance together. Then we look at so on, laugh and say almost simultaneously: “Would it not very funny when we would go into the studio together” I liked to Dan that he was so spontaneous that he just enter “yes” said to me and my creative ideas and decisions. Six weeks later, the plate was ready.




  2. they rammed a tube like an inch thick down my throat into my gut and I couldn't stop retching and belching like massive barfs, blargh bleeegh bleagh they were so loud and I couldn't stop and it was like funny and disturbing at the same time. I kind of got historical laughter but couldn't really laugh cause I was in pain, then water just started streaming out my eyes like so much water and then my nose got so snotty I couldn't breath anymore cause there's the giant tube down my throat and the dr's like are you alright! I couldn't say anything cause of the fuck off giant camera tube inside and just belched and retched some more. He said my gut lining looked really red and inflamed and he was going to take a sample for biopsy so he feeds another tube down the big one and I actually feel him pulling bits of my gut out with this thing, it felt so wrong and all the time I'm blleaahh bleeegh. Seriously if anyone has to have this procedure take the sedative and get knocked out it was too fucking freaky I'm still scarred, seriously it was like an alien autopsy,



    Wow... That's.... Umm.... Wow....

  3. I really don't think that will happen. Her sales are so much better at this point. All her singles have charted, and the album is constantly selling in the top 5 of iTunes. I definitely think first week sales will be much better than BTD.


    As for long term sales, well, I guess we shall see :)

    God stop being so positive ur a lana fan.






  4. Yeah, I mean the Charlie Hides parody was very funny for example, but it was obviously made by a fan. The Barely Political video was nothing like funny, and it was so 2011 Lana. The guy's usually ok, but here he was trying too hard to get all the hype happening around Lana obviously. "I feel sorry for this count though" :smokes2:


    For all the debate, I think there will always be haters, but I mean you can't big such an important musical act without getting a little hate you know. But I hope that, as Lana does new TV appearances and things like that, this hate toward her will decrease.

    I LOOOVEE the Charlie parody! He was SPOT ON with his impression. What made it funny was that a lot of it was based on how she acted in video interviews, and not just how people say she acts like in the BC video. What really annoyed me about their attempt at imitating Lana led to a whole bunch of haters in the comments going "OH MY GOD I THOUGHT THAT WAS LANA, SHE'S TOTALLY LIKE THAT"


    Lol, it's really annoying but at least they'll never be able to say Lana was a one hit wonder, we're far past that stage now.

  5. We all know this album is going to rock, but I just think it's important to realise that however great this record is, and however much the critics love it (I hope :eek: ) All those kids that go around saying "She's a puppet of the industry and she's only famous cause her father is a millionaire!" AREN'T going to change their tone. I mean, why would they? The main reason they do that is to add credibility to their own musical taste. On top of this, people like to feel intelligent and sophisticated, and so are determined not to be tricked. The way a lot of people portray Lana as a marketing puppet, people become defensive and go out trying to prove they have not been "tricked" by the industry. They're not even gonna listen to UV, but we all know they'll be there when the record comes out to say "FLOP! LANA DEL FAKE! YOU'VE ALL BEEN FOOLED BY THE INDUSTRY!!! SHE'S A PUPPET! A PUPPET!" It's never gonna get any better.




    I don't know, maybe I shouldn't say this while you're all hyped, but some people are stubborn, they don't listen to the music, they just criticise it to make themselves feel smart. I do have a reason to say this, I just watched this really unfunny barely political video where they did a parody of lana (usually I find the Lana parody videos funny, but these guys just took a whole bunch of cheep shots, it didn't really seem like they knew anything about Lana at all) and there were LOADS of debates talking about how Lana is nothing like how they made her out to be in the vid, when someone just randomly said "YOU'RE ALL STUPID LANA'S A MARKETING PUPPET" And I got really annoyed because of how hyped I am for UV.


  6. I love them all aside from Florida Kilos and Pretty When You Cry, I guess I'll need the full songs to really get into the vibe of UV, but I'm pleasantly surprised by the mood in SG, I was afraid of a fast-paced pop track. So glad Black Beauty hasn't been redone! (as far as I can tell from the snippets, it sounds the same)


    Oh yeah and I promised myself I wouldn't listen to any snippets before the whole record came out.




  7. Well if the answer is so obvious then why all those mean comments? I know he was talking about Lana's stupid answer to the feminism question but he called her an idiot, my doubts were warranted. And if you're so tired of the conversation then just don't bring it up anymore.


    lana is so retarded


    she also sounded super ignorant


    It just kills me when Lana does her faux-intellectual schtick (politics, metaphysics, etc), because she always comes out looking like a complete idiot.

    Lana can be like petulant child


    she seems very ignorant


    she comes off like an uppity idiot

    you were saying...I don't know! take it up with with a moderator like maru, oh she already called Lana an idiot. Umm I don't have any other suggestions other than you're blatantly picking me out in a series of people and you haven't said a word to these other members who did exactly the same as me oh and one of them is a moderator, so yeah spread your good will around and have a chat with COLACUNT, TrailerParkDarling, FLOPPY SEAL PUP, KillKillQueen, viagra and really you can just


    I'm well aware Lana makes decisions and says some things even her fans disagree with.

    If you read my reply I did acknowledge that there were others on this site with similar ways of expressing their disapproval when it comes to Lana. I'm not picking you out for god sakes just asking you a fucking question! Are you a fan or not? It seems like an obvious question to ask to a member of Lana-boards but the way you speak about her I'm just not sure. I'd also like you to remember you were the one that turned this hostile, you made a slightly insulting comment towards Lana, one of many you had posted in the last page, so I decided to ask you why you were even on this site if you thought she was an idiot. Disagreeing with you for deciding to insult a women so harshly for voicing an opinion you disagree with doesn't make me a crowd follower. I FUCKING AGREE WITH YOU ABOUT HER COMMENTS ON FEMINISM. Are you a fan or not? You don't have to reply to my question if you don't want to but don't re-hash arguments I've already addressed and please don't ask me to fuck off again. :awk:



    In response to her comments on feminism, which I feel really strongly about and if you take the time to read some other peoples comments on her idiotic statement you will see many people feel the same way. I'm not going to apologize about putting my opinions and beliefs above anyone, I don't think anyone should and if anyone on here is compromising their beliefs because Lana thinks otherwise and they have to be a stan then bigger fool them, they are also an idiot. Do you really base all your beliefs around Lana Del Rey who is a fictional character.



    Why are you singling me out when other members have said the same, i don't see you trying to pull them up on their comments, so what is this. So kindly go back through the fader thread and reply to everyone in the same manner as you have to me and call them all out on them not agreeing with every single thing Lana does, or why not spend your time going through the all the posts on Lanaboards and pulling out everyone for not agreeing with Lana in everything single thing she has done or said. Or get a life.

    Jesus Christ. There's a big difference between expressing dissaproval of what someone says or does and flat out calling them an idiot. And for your information I somewhat agree with what you were saying, just not the fierce manner you used to say it. I also realise there are several people with similar opinions to you on this forum but you were the most recent to make a comment so I chose to respond to you. I also found it a tad bizzare how you called Lana an idiot when you have an account on a fan site of the women. It is fine to say someone has spoken or acted in a foolish way, but not to criticise them wholly as a person, especiallly if you are a member of this person's fansite. Reffering to my original, and tottally harmless question, are you a fan or not?

  10. The fact I have my own beliefs and opinions and ...I'm not a sheeple is fucking with your head, :toofunny: well that kind of says it all, doesn't it.

    Well from the looks of it those beliefs and opinions also comprise of a burning hatred for Lana. I'm just curious as to why you're on a fan site if you're not a fan. I mean you're definitely not a fan, you called her an idiot for crying out loud.

  11. Yeah I'm definitely spicy bwahaa

    Not sure what a diehard feminist is you either believe in equal rights or you don't! there is no in-between

    check out some articles in the real world you know outside of 'Lanaboards world'

    also not sure if hate is the right emotion, uh more like passion and intelligence to spot an idiot when you see one.

    Umm... So, you... Are you a Lana fan or not? Everything your saying is fucking with my head. Like... Wtf are you doing here?



    At first I thought she was talking about Lorde, cause she did call Lana's music "irrelevant" and people have compared their music and said it was in some ways similar in style. And of course GaGa is nothing like Lana and she's past her fifteen minuted any way so there's no point (no offense GaGa fans) Then I realised it would be crazy for Lana to trash a seventeen year old for a few harsh remarks but then again, Lana's been known to make bold choices before.


    I so want to see Lana have beautiful babies, I always thought she'd be the type to say "My life is too complex for children". But I'm glad to see she's planning on settling down, it'd be nice for once to have a musician like her live a normal life and live to an old age rather than go on a self destructive rampage and O.D naked in their bed at the age of 30. Maybe we could even get a song about her kids being addicted to minecraft.



  13. Oh My God at how many people are treating this as if Lana said "Feminism is a bad Idea, I wanna ignore how it's helped my gender over the past century and talk about space!" Her words were clearly taken slightly out of context to create a drama. What she

    probably meant was that she's fucking tired of people labelling her an antifeminist and thinks as a whole people today have a really misguided view of what feminism is (thanks partially to tumblr) and that, for the interview, she'd rather talk about the possibilities for investigating our universe in new ways. She doesn't think of feminism as "boring" but rather thinks people have been mislead by the whole "I am a strong woman, no man will control my life, and I will not take his name if I marry him, because I am a feminist" confusion everywhere. Lorde's great, but In my experience she's confusing just as many people about the ideas of seeking equal rights for woman as Lana. I have this gay friend who's a huge equal rights activist and he used to listen to Lana with me then one day, about a week after I'd just gotten him started listening to Lorde, he came up to me and said "I don't listen to Lana any more, cause she's antifeminist. Lorde talked about it in an interview, she always sings about love, and none of her songs are defiant, plus she posed naked on a magazine so she's a whore and she sold out to the industry" And keep in mind my friend is a guy. Now, I don't know about you, but I think if people today think that way, and actually call women whores for posing naked, that's a lot more damaging to women then them being slightly dependent on men in some aspects of their lifestyle. Plus, since when was singing a love song antifeminist? Lorde's confusing a lot of young girls and gays about what feminism truly is, Lana likes to have a man with her to protect her (and from this interview it's clear she needs protecting) what does it matter? If people label woman antifeminist for relying on men in some ways, then we are definitely taking steps backwards and not forwards. It's also disgusting how unfairly people talk about Lana in interviews. "Wait, so this woman expresses herself in the way she lives and this lifestyle does not fit perfectly with our ideals of how a woman should act? Let's bash this bitch!" So as I have just pointed out even if feminism is truly helping in places like Iran where they're all stuck in the 1920's, over here in America we still haven't figured it out and are punishing women if they don't fit a template of how they should act, isn't that sexism? Oh well, that's all. Sorry if this doesn't make any sense my mind is going a mile a minute at the moment. :awk:

  14. However good or bad she is it doesn't matter cause the critics will hate on her regardless. For God sakes I've read six articles about coachella where they try to make signing autographs, dancing on stage, talking in between songs, and singing video games seem inauthentic and as though she's playing an act. It's ridiculous because ALL SINGERS DO THESE THINGS and it's so obvious they're trying way too hard to catch her out now. What's even more sickening is that the ones I've read were mostly written by men in their fourties.


    It's almost funny cause they're basically saying "this can be interpreted as inauthentic because:" and furthemore people say she has no live charisma then praise Lorde's live concerts and that whole jaggedy ferrel animal dance she does. Anything any artist does can be manipulated against them if you try hard enough, and their even harsher on Lana because the first time she sang live on snl it was a tottally new experience for her, the poor girl was probably scared shitless! Then people started saying how she was a fraud, how she acted all detached to seem mysterious. People are just so disgustingly merciless.

  15. Ok this is gonna sound horrible, but I don't think the dude was ever really suicidal. I mean I think we all know even Lana tries to make her past "troubles" seem more dramatic than they probably were. He's definetly lying when he said that he used to get high and drink everynight, he's basically just taking the rough outline of the stories we've heard from Lana's teenage years and altering them slightly. I dunno, he just doesn't seem like the sorta guy that would even touch drugs. I'm not annoyed or anything, when I was around ten I tried to convince my parents I had scitzophrenia so that they would get me psychiatric help (I'm really not sure why I wanted that, lol) but if you ask me all that talk about depresion was complete horse crap. People find out about Lana cause she's cool right now and all, and think they have to make up some bleak demented childhood they never had to bring some meaning to the songs for themselves. I think even Lana knew he was lying.



    Also it was so fucking stupid how he just dropped that into conversation with a girl he doesn't even know. You could see in her face Lana just wanted to walk away from the conversation as soon as possible.

    I bet he's a little monster


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