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Posts posted by LiamViljoen

  1. I don't know wether you've gone on the trip yet but I made a CD for a road trip to Miami and all my friends turned Lana Stan overnight.


    Million Dollar Man

    Gods And Monsters

    Angels Forever

    Dark Paradise (demo)


    Kill Kill

    Put The Radio On

    Driving In Cars With Boys

    You Can Be The Boss

    Children Of The Bad Revolution

    Mermaid Motel

    Oh Say

    Black Beauty

    Mississippi South

    Pawn Shop Blues

    Brite Lites

    Velvet Crowbar

    Trash Magic

    Come When You Call Me America

    Your Gonna Love Me


    So Legit

    Dayglo Reflection

    Queen Of The Gas Station

    For K

  2. LOL, I don't think you're snob or anything :kiss2:

    There is actually a performance that Lana sings that part in Spanish, not the album version though :w8ing:



    Wow it actually sounds a lot sexier in spanish.


    Lana, por favor, mi dedo tebder la vagina luego estafa mi vello púbico y se lo comen luego caca en mi lengua y arrancarle las uñas fuera y obligarlos a mi Butthole


    So classy. :hoe:

  3. Once there was a semen thunderstorm at a public child's birthday party which made all the ladies scream in fear of their fabulous dresses. They drove to the dry cleaners to clean them where there was big purple dildos singing Lana Del Rey songs for Free daddy sex which made the wild roses burst like aggresive moist...



    "life is a velvet crowbar, hittin' you over the head...

    ...my baby's on his eight life darlin' "


    Lana's "baby" is a cat. All cat's have nine lives, unfortunately this cat is on his eighth life. This is because a small child, referred to as "life" is repeatedly hitting him over the head with a velvet crowbar.


    "you wanna touch life so hard, why can't you give it a rest?"


    The cat has attempted and aspires to molest life, explaining life's frequent attacks. Now lana has to watch her cat to make sure it does not escape and try to molest life then subsequently die from the injuries afflicted by life with his velvet crowbar.


    So to sum up, this is a song about a child molester cat attempting to molest a child who repeatedly thwarts his advances by attacking the cat with a crowbar.

  5. OMG GUYS!!!

    My horse had an orgasm! :excited:



    All your life you tell yourself to keep your hopes down, because these things don't happen! But then it happens, and you tell yourself how lucky are but you never hear youself say it! Chase your dreams! Reach for the skies! You are all beautiful! And no one will take your flowers away if you have faith and drift through the wind as our lord intended for you to have your inner beauty is the best medicine!


    Why did it happen to me? Was this always intended, intentions are silent, but there realisations are louder than sound. I... My life has met it's purpose.


    I love you all :crying:

  6. Once there was a semen thunderstorm at a public child's birthday party which made all the ladies scream in fear of their fabulous dresses. They drove to the dry cleaners to clean them where there was big purple dildos singing lana del...

  7. I remember last year when Lady gaga was promoting artpop I was at the mall when i saw that they were allowing people to listen to the whole album at the apple store prior to it's release. I didn't go in since I don't listen to her but do they usually do that with albums? Any chance they might with UV?

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