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Posts posted by LiamViljoen

  1. You're right, she really could be huge.

    This makes me think of what she said about the grammies...how she didn't attend because she is "not good with big events like that". It might be her shyness which is keeping her back, but it's obvious she does NOT want to be big. I mean come on, SS went top 10 without any promo on her part...and also she barely uses twitter or her instagram even though we know she is being photographed all the time. She doesn't really communicate with her fanbase either, only in person. It's just the way she is I guess....I agree that I wish she was huge, because then we would get dozens and dozens of photoshoots, interviews, and we could hear her on the radio more often too.

    And then her popularity would fizzle out like it does for most stars who go huge (even though she'll probably still be making awesome music) then again, I mean Video Games was pretty huge, and it's not like she disappeared off the face of the earth after that.

  2. this


    I have the same feeling about this, why isn't WC sent to the radio, what are they waiting for? Don't give me the BS that WC isn't radio friendly the song is simple, is catchy etc. Her tour seems rushed, she's late at the shows, no opening act, no encore, short set, sound problems etc. If it wasn't for this tour (especially Coachella) she had only one song released with audio and some random billboards (without her name on it) and that's it. Basically 0 promotion :toofunny: . Oh I forgot, the interview at Coachella before the latrines :facepalm: ...really no one cares for her career?! I always felt that's something as a strained relationship between her and interscope, they just want to cash in from the album sales.

    All she cares about is making quality music, which allows her promotion to be a little more intriguing (billboards with nothing but the album title, extract from lyrics) anyway Born To Die was a smash success, does she really need to promote this album at all?

  3. I don't really care about interviews... but I would like to hear her songs on the radio.


    At my workplace I turn her on, but I can't do it when I'm elsewhere. :notamused:


    The life of a Lana fan is so hard

    the "mainstream and proud of" it gang call it alternative/indie music


    The "try-hard not to be hipster by listening solely to indie records" gang call it mainstream, and yet we are refused the benefits of either positions (radio play vs claim to authenticity)


    Sigh... sometimes I wish I didn't have such an excellent taste in music

  4. As as Black Beauty is on the album I'll be happy. I mean Id rather have lots of new material, but since it was planned for it and I've expected it to be on there for such a long time now I'll be dissapointed if it doesn't make it as I've been fantasizing about the finished version and how it will sound for a while now.

    I hope she doesn't change a single thing about that song, perfect and stripped down just the way it is. Aurbach shouldn't even touch it.


    Also AF, people say it's a re-hash of Ride but in all honesty I think the chorus to this one is better. Again she should keep it how it is.

  5. I think she's fantastic, haha! But yeah, it's Taylor Swift. Don't be put of by that though. Her best songs are rarely singles, there are so many hidden gems on the albums. I recommend All Too Well, Treacherous, State Of Grace, The Lucky One, Eyes Open, Safe & Sound, Never Grow Up, Last Kiss, You're Not Sorry, Breathe, White Horse and Cold As You to start with. They're some of the songs I think have the strongest lyrics/emotions!


    I recently discovered Lana's unreleased songs (joining this forum was a GREAT idea), so that's what keeps me going. All my faves are releasing/rumored to be releasing albums this year so I've been starved of new music, haha.

    TBH I was always put off by her singles, but I've listened to some of the songs recommended here and most of them are actually great!

    Treacherous and State Of Grace especially!

    The lyrics at times can get a bit corny, but some of them are really powerful!

  6. Personally I don't think she was even thinking of it when she chose Ultraviolence as the album title, I think she's using the term in her own way and I doubt there'll be any references on her album to it tbh

    Honestly I was scared she would cram in 100 references to the book in each song, like Moloko plus would become this era's red dress. After hearing West Coast I'm sure the record will be a hit with fans and critics alike.

  7. What about promo singles? Some artists release promo singles leading up to the album. My fave released one song a week for four weeks before her 4th album was released, same with her 3rd. It's quite smart really, it gets the hype up and gives the fans a taste for the feel of the album. And it certainly didn't hurt her album sales!

    Who's this? I've been looking for something to distract me up until UV comes out. Is she any good?

  8. The song is mentioned in this interview: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/rockandpopfeatures/9027984/Lana-Del-Rey-interview-new-album-Born-to-Die-is-a-beautiful-thing.html


    I don't know if that's what you were talking about..

    Lol Lana's so mysterious.


    Has Lana said anything about cruel world?

    Did she say it was on the record?

    Did she even say it was called cruel world or did she just start singing an unknown song on stage and people have assumed the rest?

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