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Everything posted by LiamViljoen

  1. LiamViljoen

    Azealia Banks

    I seriously doubt any mother would want their daughter dating Eminem. I know why people dislike Iggy. Her music is awful. Does that make it right for AB to say white people are not allowed to rap?
  2. LiamViljoen

    Azealia Banks

    I was talking about that channel 4 interview, she didn't name Iggy specifically but that was who she was talking about. Iggy's music sucks. But she's no threat. We still have plenty of great rappers out there, Iggy isn't gonna stand out ten years from now. But Kendrick? Kanye? EMINEM? (Don't like that guy but his influence is undeniable...and he's white) It's annoying that people like Iggy get so much undeserved attention, but there are plenty of black rappers who are equally succesful and will be for much longer. AB is only prolonging Iggy's relevance with these comments.
  3. LiamViljoen

    Azealia Banks

    Honestly I really don't understand why she bothers over Iggy. Iggy's annoying and a total racist, I agree. But I mean if you look at the sorta stuff AB has said in the past on twitter about Jews, and other discouraging posts she's no angel herself. I get why the fake accent would offend her, I get why the "runaway slave master" comment offended her, but Iggy's harmless bubble gum pop. She'll be irrelevant faster than you can say sophmore record. Why can't white people rap though? Hip Hop will always be rooted in black culture, but as it's becoming more of a commercial genre of course there are some white rappers out there today. The blues/Jazz originates in black culture, AB has no problem with Lana Del Rey borrowing from those genres. I agree with AB on a lot of issues. Iggy just never really seemed like an issue to me. She's more a nuissance and AB shouldn't be wasting her time on her.
  4. Hehe I was kidding. I just saw that post and thought it was pretty funny to have come out of a Lana fan at this moment in time (what with everything Kim's been saying recently)
  5. This is exactly what Kim Gordon was talking about.
  6. If Lana is obliged to take responsibility for her actions (not sure what she's actually referring to tbh) maybe Kim should take responsibility and apologise to Lana for those vile and cruel words. She may have toned it down for the book but the original comment is still out there, we all read it so she can't just ignore it.
  7. Oh my God Madonna Tay Tay dancing to All Day was just so awesome
  8. She's protective of Frances Cobain, ergo she completely trashes Courtney Love, the girl's fucking mother, and implies she's mentally ill? The bigger question should be why is this repugnant woman still talking? She got the attention she wanted for her book, idiots everywhere are applauding her for her "wit" in suggesting a young woman kill herself, and she did all of it without getting half the public backlash Lana gets for showing up to an interview without a forced pearly smile. Love how just a few days ago she was smugly retweeting Lana fans like their expressions of disgust were the height of hilarity now she's awkwardly trying to dig herself out of a hole. Also this was NOT a cat fight, Lana took no part in this. This was one feeble older woman viciously slandering a harmless 29 year old younger woman (whom she'd never even met) and disguising it as feminist commentary.
  9. She never said that. But she never said she isn't. All she's ever said on the subject is that she doesn't like discussing it and it bores her when people bring it up in conversation. However, I think it's likely she IS a feminist seeing as how she gave a description of her own feminist ideals only moments after that comment. "My idea of a feminist is a woman who feels free to do whatever she wants" Checks up for me.
  10. Oooh haha. I saw it and assumed it was some pioneering feminist figure I hadn't heard of. That would have been really ironic in the context of this thread lol.
  11. Who has Lana edited her face onto in her new profile pic? Does it have anything to do with this?
  12. Kim should still take responsibility for the early draft of the quote. It got online, Lana Del Rey definetly has seen it or heard about it by this point, Kim needs to be an adult and apologise. At least in the modified paragraph we can take her arguments seriously. I still disagree though. What troubles me is that Kim perpetuates the mentality that everything Del Rey says and does is an act, belittling her pain and experiences. Of course there's no denying that she incorporates her fantasies into her writing, but it's dangerous to assume that Lana keeps this "persona" on 24/7 and ignore her genuine moments of hardship as if she's putting it on in keeping with her image. I've seen poolside, she's not that great an actress. Kim also tries to convince us Lana doesn't understand feminism. Lana never said she wasn't a feminist, the most she said was that she wasn't interested in discussing the subject and she even described her own feminist ideals. But these days that's all it takes to anger the public, who exaggerate her words to make her seem like some pathetic idiot who doesn't care about her own rights, which was the exact opposite of what Lana said. I'm not saying Lana Del Rey is suicidal, but she's clearly unhappy, or at least was at the time of the Guardian interview. Can you imagine how frustrating it must be for people to constantly misconstrue everything you say or do as a planned publicity stunt to fit your gimick? For moments of genuine passion or desperation to be scrutinised so harshly and calculatingly by the media? Kim's been in the limelight for a long time, she should be more mature and understanding than that. She should be supporting Lana, not trying to depict Lana as a bad feminist. Kim may have removed the harshest bite from her words, but she's still slut shaming Lana for the lifestyle she depicts in her art, most importantly the ride video, which makes no sense as men have lived this way for decades. Maybe it's not the right lifestyle for for some women but if others choose to live that way then why would she care? Lana Del Rey proves that women can be romantic without being airheads who desperately depend on a man. She gives a voice to important feminist issues that aren't being discussed by anyone else (domestic abuse, the media's discrimination against women) and that's exactly the point. There are more important issues in feminism than Lana Del Rey. It's insulting, it's inexcusable, and above all it's upsetting that today trashing women who make different lifestyle choices is considered feminism.
  13. EXACTLY. And yet it seems no one (other than Lana's admirably aggressive twitter legion) has really called Kim out for this yet. Advising another woman that you've never met to kill themselves, especially in such a vitriolic and heartless fashion, is a much worse immpression to be putting out to our youth than a lonely woman admitting her own depression. The fact that Lana has made her anxieties clear to the world actually makes what Kim said even more, well, downright evil. And yet if Lana were to respond in even the most reserved of manners, she'd be the one accused of trying to ignite a spat. Let's hope she has enough common sense to realise that this woman is way out of place, it seriously wouldn't be good for her mental state if she took any of what was said to heart. Which is very likely considering who said it.
  14. LiamViljoen

    Song vs. Song

    Flipside Vs Video Games
  15. Note how Kim retweets a few pissed off Lana fans who defend their fave, as if to say "look how childish and stupid they are!" When she legitimately asked a girl to kill herself and published it in a book. Such a class act. The bitch even retweeted someone saying "Kim Gordon has had a bigger impact in music than Lana Del Rey ever will" Arrogant cunt. And we're supposed to sit quietly and allow her to trash her fellow woman because she was a big deal in the 90s?
  16. Waiting for Azealia Banks to say something on this. I bet Lana herself would have a lot to say but she NEVER goes public about this stuff. The saddest thing about this is if this happened to someone like Lorde or Taylor Swift everyone one would immediately come to their defence, fan or not, the things Kim Gordon said are that harsh, but Lana is always left to fend for herself. She's like the nerdy kid in high school, everyone sees this stuff happen to her but they just watch. No one thinks to throw her any fucking support. Also I must be forgetting the song where Lana says no to voting or earning equal pay. Let's just list all the sexism displayed in this paragraph: 1 Slut-Shaming Lana for her taste in men and lovemaking. 2 Criticising Lana's apt description of a true feminist because Lana said it. 3 Insinuating that Lana shouldn't sing as an individual who has chosen a different lifestyle to her, but instead sing about very certain topics. She's basically saying that Lana Del Rey's experiences are less valuable because she's a female, she should be singing about how independent she is and act like everyone wants her too because anything less is just unheard of in society (Jim Morrison, Kanye West, Eminem, pretty much all male rappers) 4 Advising Lana to kill herself. This isn't sexist so much as simply inhumane and reprehensibly irresponsible. Does Kim think she's gonna get away with all this?
  17. I understand that Kim Gordon had her day in the sun (but yeah I really didn't know her until this thread was created) but that doesn't change the fact that she's a has-been trying to boost book sales by name dropping Lana. Also that "gang rape" comment just gets my blood boiling. I've only known of her for an hour and I already hate her. What a sly bitch.
  18. ...What is her point tho? Is she trying to infer that Lana's belief that women should be allowed to do whatever they want (i.e anything men have been legally permitted to do for many centuries more) is not a part of feminist values? I hate how people seem to translate Lana's statements of disinterest with feminism as an utter aversion to the feminist movement. She obviously should have answered with a polite nod like all pretty little female celebrities have to, but fuck all she said was that when people bring feminism up in conversation she doesn't care, she's more interested in space travel. SURE, IT'S KIND OF A DUMB ANSWER BUT LANA SAID HERSELF THAT SHE DIDN'T HAVE MUCH TO SAY ON THE MATTER. What's really sexist about all this is that the media forces Lana to speak on behalf of her gender and scrutinise her as a woman, and fuck to anyone that took this statement as a denouncement of feminism she gave her own, entirely accurate, description of a feminist, Lana clearly DOES understand what a feminist is because I'm pretty sure all women agree that feminism is about equalising rights between both sexes, i.e a woman who feels free to do whatever she wants. Anyway, what the fuck does this have to do with Lana's "glamourisation" of death? Let's just get this clear, the Lana that sings about her pain and alludes to Marilyn and Kurt Cobain in her music is NOT the same Lana that told the guardian she wished she was dead. When Lana sings about death in her songs, we know it's her being overdramatic, it doesn't count as glamourisation because these songs aren't glamorous, they're fucking sad. Meanwhile, when Lana's on interview, after having just released her latest album, and leaving her boyfriend, and inbetween tours and shows on a tight schedule, you'd expect her not to feel so great. Cut the girl some mother fucking slack. And this senile old woman thinks she can get away with such blatant hypocrisy? She throws shade at Lana for "glamourising death" then advises Lana to kill herself? What an insightful, witty, observent GO FUCK YOURSELF. Also based on how Lana responded to being put on the worst dressed list imagine how she'd react if she met this washed up cunt Not gonna pretend I actually know who this bitch is tho. Oh boy, she was big two decades ago? Well jeez do I feel left out, nah but for real let this dry-cunted asshole moan while she still has her fucking teeth
  19. They mean that you can't see when an instagram account was created, ever. This doesn't detract from the plausability of the account as a outlet of future news and promo for the record at all. There have been no posts as of yet, but I doubt Lana would just arbitrarily create an account called HONEYMOON to troll her fans, it's even less likely that she saw that someone else made an account named after her upcoming record and she found it on instagram then chose to follow it.
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