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Everything posted by AllForYou
right? I'm also mad we didn't get more of the b-roll footage, she fumbled making them herself then fumbled an opportunity of just posting them to tumblr and letting her fans make their own edits. I think that b-roll footage should have been used in the title track's music video, that video was such a letdown when I saw it (it's still iconic though) I think they were more sub-types under the archetypes (a bubblegum bitch being under teen idle), but I agree, I'm glad she realised that early on though edit so I don't double post: one thing about the 'british press hated electra heart' whilst true, and likely due to misogyny, she did badly explain the concept in the beginning. people thought it was an alter ego, then she had to retract that. (maybe she wanted it to be an 'alter ego' at first and then realised people didn't like that idea and decided to retcon it)
honestly, I 100% agree with you, but as I said in the next sentence 'Marina has her heart in the right place but she tends to overpromise what she’s capable of doing' I believe if she had done two projects at the same time, she would have done the two of them badly, (aka not up to standard). rather than the iconic electra heart/die Life era we all want and deserved, obviously we'll never know if she wanted to actually do them simultaneously, but I'm just taking that at face value that was her plan. she couldn't even put out those homemade videos for the 3 archetypes we're missing. (I understand maybe she didn't have the budget for the gallery/exhibition she wanted but an official photobook would have been great).
it’s a shame she’ll never really play those songs again because they’re associated with Jack. you, too afraid and true might never be played live now. you and true are weird choices to never play live imo, she said she imagined playing true in a club with her friends and ‘you’ seems like a great ‘pass the mic over’ opportunity I know most people enjoy the demo more but it would still be good live I think.
honestly I’d love to do a YouTube-esque deep dive into each of her albums but I don’t want to use my voice and I don’t want to use one of those robot voices because they annoy me how effective the singles were would be a good category too. I know everyone, including marina, thinks bubblegum bitch would have been a great single but they would have had to bleep all instances of ‘bitch’ or change the word, ‘bubblegum chick’ does not have the same vibe
this is giving me ‘you have to be mentally ill to be a cop’ vibes, surprised she’s left it up since pretty much all the tweets are people educating her about conservation. sea world IS horrible, keeping whales IS disgusting, but this really seems like an american centric issue that marina seems to think it’s universal, not all zoos and aquariums are perfect but most of them are about conservation & research, and they save animals from circuses or those that have been injured in the wild and can’t live independently. good for her being on her animal rights era but I wish she wouldn’t spout misleading accusations on her platform yesss, also how you’d improve the album in retrospect!! my biggest gripe with electra heart is she didn’t rearrange the deluxe, she specifically said she wanted fear and loathing as the outro & the tracks to tell a story
honestly I’d love that I’d love to talk about her other eras too, I know we’ve talked about L+F but she has had severely messy moments in all eras, and also some great ones. I think the website they did for orange trees where enough presaves released a snippet was so good (even if the demo website was found and we got some early) I wish she used it more in the era and as much as I would like die life and electra heart, atlantic (or just her manager) made the right call by not allowing her to do it. Marina has her heart in the right place but she tends to overpromise what she’s capable of doing, one thing I’ll give the MARINA era is she never promised a deluxe for L+F and she did actually give us the deluxe for ADIAML she promised
I didn’t say it was a slur, I’m from the UK I know it’s not a slur, I called it a code word, because people say stuff like ‘oh he’s y’know a bit… camp’ when they mean an effeminate gay man, maybe it’s regional. I didn’t know that mostly gay clientele went there so thank you for the context /gen she went to the hotel after the song was dropped that’s why I mentioned it.
like 132 said, only 2, one of which, worth it, she reregistered without him a few months later. (aka rewrote any parts he wrote so he’d have no credits, TNWWY was never registered) even so, the allegations about Jesse were made in 2019 just before/after L+F came out, so whilst that was a theory at the time it doesn’t actually add up when it’s looked into. I think marina just didn’t vibe with him.
for sure, but iCloud are pretty good with their security since that massive leak of celebrities photos in the 2010s he might have been exaggerating for dramatic effect, but I think these might have been the Froot demos we already have, the IAR demo springs to mind. just because she said she did froot in the studio and it was the last she wrote, the demos david’s referring too were sent when she was scouting for a new producer also I never saw anyone talk about it here but there’s an interview where marina says she wrote 15 songs for FROOT and only recorded 14 so that means when you take way control was not forget after all, we need to petition for that demo!!
honestly I hate to break it to everyone but I don’t think we’ll ever get the demo unless marina shares it herself. from what I’ve heard hackers get songs when they’re sent to someone else (there’s a site artists use that’s supposed to ‘delete the file’ after a certain amount of time but it actually doesn’t) this whole ‘omg Charli’s google drive got hacked’ type of hacking is a myth. we would have waaaay more stuff if this was the case. this is also why it’s really important you change your password if it’s leaked and turn on 2FA, there are massive databases with passwords and emails just... out there (I realise this gives off massive ‘my label didn’t force me to release this album’ vibes but idc I’m not involved I just find hacking/leaking culture absolutely fascinating) marina wrote and recorded froot in the studio, so she probably just played david the song right off her macbook and didn’t send it to him or anyone else until it was further along in production & this is why no one has it, cause they’d have to somehow get onto marinas harddrive itself and I’m sure that would involve sending her a Trojan horse of some kind
honestly idk how to articulate how I feel so sorry if this is a mess, but I have real gripes with ‘Owned by a sheik who killed thousands of gay men. I guess that's why he bought the campest hotel in L.A. then’ in the uk ‘camp’ is often used as a (outdated and low-key homophobic) code for ‘gay’/‘effeminate’ so I guess she’s implying that he’ll put up with having a ‘gay’ pink hotel if it makes him profit? but isn’t she just implying that having a pink hotel isn’t masculine, therefore literally enforcing the patriarchy she’s criticising in the same song? idk I hate the vibe the line gives off. am I missing some kind of point? I don’t know the hotel’s history other than it’s pink and Marilyn used to live there, is it some kind of symbol in America? I’d genuinely love for other opinions on that line asides from that she literally went to that hotel & posted pictures of herself eating in it, aka giving that man money??? learn what boycotting is I do love the production it’s actually one of the best, but the lyrics are clunky in parts for example ‘if you have a mother, sister… or a friend’ compared to ‘I could be your sister, I could be your mother, I could be your neighbour, I could be your lover’ also ‘centuries ago you called me a witch, now you call me a bitch’ girl I know you got that from a tweet or something, pay your royalties like Lizzo
imo the singles that were the best choice as singles: 1. Primadonna 2. Froot 3. Handmade Heaven 4. Obsessions (deffo should have been Hollywood, but she didn’t want to do that) 5. Man’s World (girl VFT was right there) My favourite songs out of the singles: 1. Primadonna 2. Obsessions 3. Froot 4. Handmade Heaven man’s world not included cause I have opinions on that song
I agree, I was there too, people said it aged within the week it released but people were really rooting for her before it released. I just meant that with the songs she had, she could have made a good album (good as in held in a positive light in her fanbase) especially with different artwork, even just another photo from the same shoot, i cannot fathom why she used the one of her scowling when there’s others much more suitable for fear. marina fans tend to equate album = era, because she sold herself as that kind of an artist. personally FROOT is not my favourite album, (I don’t think it’s bad it’s just not as lyrically clever as her earlier works, I think the production is a bit samey, the blue demos are more exciting) but because of the era and the visuals people absolutely hate that opinion from what I’ve seen L+F stans tend to be new fans that weren’t following her every move during the era they just enjoyed the album for what it was and then they weren’t disappointed and don’t hold a bitter opinion about the era and equate it to the album. the other type of L+F fan tend to be older and maybe in a more mature mindset and get where she’s coming from. again I really don’t think it’s unlistenable trash, I just think the era and the choices made are absolutely fascinating idk why, maybe because we don’t know the full story and we never will edit: also my opinion on outtakes is usually ‘if you swap any song on the album for any outtake people will want the original song back’. like if TNWWY was on the album instead of EYL people would say she should have scrapped TNWWY and included EYL. with L+F though there are genuinely great tracks she scrapped. ‘scroll away the pain’ ain’t it though. NMS for PDCM would have been a much better choice. her not using ‘demons and angels’ was such a missed opportunity, I think that would have been better in general, not even splitting the album into two and the demons and angels speaking for themselves. (she only released baby on the album to get another love track let’s be real) also we still don’t have the L+F instrumentals in HQ (specifically fear) I REALLY don’t understand why she doesn’t put her instrumentals in bandcamp, she must know we all want them
honestly that tweet aged so bad, but in september 2018 the album might have been good! with the original artwork and singles she wanted, the album wasn’t mixed so she hadn’t ruined it in that aspect too the album just is ‘too many cooks’ personified
she was under pressure (by Atlantic and her own fans and probably herself) but I think she wanted to do that sound, she said the songs were meant to be given away so that could explain the commercial sound, but if this is Marina’s revisionism again then maybe she was influenced by Jack and disconnect for the more commercial sound. I think in her own words she’s admitted to doubting herself and leaning in others during the era. also, I remember in 2019, someone emailed the original designer and they said the original handmade heaven artwork was scrapped “because of politics” and they were made to work through christmas and new years, if true this explains handmade heaven randomly being delayed from January to February and why the cover she ended up using was so... not it (I remember the preview dropping and thinking it would be a much more zoomed out picture, for it to just be a slightly less cropped image) I do wonder if this is why marina sort of ‘gave up’ she seemed so excited and then didn’t want to do anything, in that youtube q&a she was asked why she picked the covers and she said ‘I just don’t know!’ and awkwardly laughed, her description of what she saw the albums as with her synaesthesia was so different too, so I do believe some kind of bts drama happened. she also said the singles would be different from the first songs on the album then proceeded to release the first 3 tracks as singles and completely ignored fear (until project karma) maybe it was just the last straw for her ‘big comeback’ and realised it was never going to live up to FROOT (in her fans eyes) and threw L+F to the wolves. I don’t even think L+F is bad, it’s definitely a bad era and an average album, just not marina’s average. she just waited so long then reproduced songs (she should have kept the Swedish songs for her next album instead of reworking what she already had) and kept polishing ones she had and overworked the songs. a lot of the demos are much better just by having less stuff, and like we’ve all said just some simple song swaps would have made all the difference. we have local files, it’s just a shame she can’t profit off them (idk why she doesn’t use bandcamp?)
clown behaviour from jack, he could have easily asked jess what marina’s favourite flower was, or even just simply looked at her instagram I was hoping that random youtube video of her flower arranging wasn’t a one off but it seems like it, I can’t see marina as a vlogger/youtuber but she’s skilled at art and I’d love if she did a sketchbook flip through or shared her art more often my flop theory for L+F was her doing all the artwork herself, she used the oranges she drew on shirts at least, I didn’t buy one but if the design was on a tote bag I would have bought that
I agree I think marina has retconned the background of the song, (honestly she’s the queen of retcon, her saying she was doing a TFJ repackage then getting annoyed a few months later on her blog about ‘bullshit’ rumours about her doing a repackage are just who’s fault is that girl!!) but I don’t think it’s about jack. I do think it’s just about someone they knew, why would she say “I know you inside and out” if it was actually about random high level people? I know that can be a general blanket statement but idk feels like it was maybe about a friend or maybe someone at Atlantic they knew or something also I think ‘you’ must have been such an awkward writing session for poor joe janiak, stuck in the middle of marina and jack unless jack literally didn’t get the message, maybe all these songs were for him to try and get a message cause she doesn’t seem to like confrontation unless it’s on twitter. in her track by track she says ‘you’ is about someone that was a bit of a shit but redeemed themselves, but where is the redemption miss marina, he couldn’t even buy you flowers! considering they’re both millionaires and he could have rung any florist to get them sent to his OWN HOUSE is so… but we do only know one side of the story
no, Marina met Jess in 2013, she met Jack in 2014 for Disconnect & they started dating in 2015 also Jack and Grace (the cellist in clean bandit for anyone who doesn't know) broke up in 2015, not sure if those two things are connected but I've always found it interesting...
it's okay, I meant 'met' as in 'met up with', sorry if that was unclear!
saying 'I wasn't forced into releasing this album' is exactly what someone that was forced to release an album would say also I'm not sure when her 'break' was either, FROOT era ended in mid 2016, then she met Jess (her manager) in late 2016, went to LA January-May(ish) 2017 to record enough songs for an album, then did coachella and performed disconnect, I do wonder if this was supposed to be her "big comeback" then she had second thoughts (she said being on stage didn't feel right) and went to uni, but she still said she was writing & reregistered if its worth it in late 2017, then worked all through 2018. the weird thing with the 2017 tracks is she said she wrote them with no expectation and was going to give them away, and I wonder if that's why they sound less 'forced' than the 2018 tracks? she admitted she wrote EYL and OT to try and make herself happy which is really sad:( I do like OT's lyrics, the production is just not it, EYL would have been better if it didn't have the 'enjoy your problems' line, if you have to explain your reasoning behind it then it's not a good lyric imo. also I find it really sad she was writing all these songs about how unhappy her relationship was in 2017, then proceeded to go out with Jack for three more years EOTE wasn't even really about Jack it was for a movie, and Superstar's lyrics if you look at them, they don't hold any high praise towards him, she wrote her most romantic song (Froot) when she was single and bored on a rainy day now she's independent I hope she can release things on her own schedule, she kept saying she wanted to be able to 'just drop' songs whenever she wanted yet has literally never done that in her career so far, in the TFJ era she wanted to cycle between releasing an album then an EP, but if she was contracted for 5 albums, why would she? Charli XCX dropped 2 10 track mixtapes and they didn't count towards her album contract. so why would she put effort into 6 songs if it wouldn't count towards her contract, even if she put them on the next album people would complain that album only had 6 'new' songs instead of 12.
yes!! I think she should just pivot to a taylor swift folklore situation, currently she seems to write well when it's not from her perspective, I do like purge the poison apart from the verses (her perspective), ADIAML is a bop. even if she doesn't want to do greek gods, aurora did this brilliantly, she could do welsh mythology? or she could just pick an era/decade and go to town lol. (I'm not suggesting she goes full EH and dresses up either, apart from MVs perhaps, she said that was tiring which I totally get) edit: in the L+F era she said she wanted to do a full album soundtrack, EOTE is one of the best on L+F possibly for the reason she wrote it for a film, why not do an album for a fake film? the MVs could tell some of the story and people could just speculate (like people do with Electra Heart, 11 years later!!!) and entertain themselves. I think part of it is also she sold herself (in the MATD era) as an artist that delivered a 'package', then with her losing motivation after FROOT and possibly being pressured into releasing L+F earlier than she was ready we got 0 visuals & 0 (meaningful) fan interaction; (i.e she didn't tell us handmade heaven was delayed, we only found out because of an autograph chaser filming her after an interview. she posted about a live Q&A on instagram, had technical difficulties but didn't tell us it was cancelled so people were waiting up & then she deleted that tweet and deleted something irrelevant later.) imo if she had given us the original handmade heaven artwork visuals, and interacted with fans, people would be EATING it up and it would have taken a lot longer for people to realise it wasn't that great. honestly she should have just done something similar with FROOT, post some fanpacks and let the fandom entertain itself. or even better, stems, seeing as most of them have leaked now anyway. I get she doesn't like social media, but she went from interacting a lot, via her blog, then tumblr, to nothing, and I totally get we're not entitled to her time (and she's 37 now) but it's not any wonder why her fans seem a bit 'spurned' lol
yes I know, sorry I think I just explained that badly, I was referring to this quote: 'No, there was no bidding war. 679 where the only people to have the guts to offer a contract. Everyone else just wanted to look like they were about to offer. I met over 14 labels and only really took 2 seriously. I think everyone saw me as a project that had a lot of potential but also as someone very risky: I looked like a wild card to them. I had no manager, was doing all the meetings alone, was extremely confident and driven and knew exactly what i wanted. That scares some people.' I suppose that explains the situation well enough but it would be nice to know what questions she asked them all the same, what were her terms that only one would actually offer a contract? (also, didn't she date Derek? I suppose she doesn't want to admit she picked a label because of that if it is true) I just want her to use all her knowledge for something good, instead of this weird "Twitter activism" it's like she wants to be an activist and have influence but she doesn't want any negative attention
what's most annoying about her poetry is that it could have been a genuinely insightful marinabook post, but she wants to vague post. what does she mean "men owned my choruses and my verses" does she not own her masters? do we need to crowdfund Electra Heart (Marina's Version)? will we finally get Froot (10 Minute Version)? or is this just about having a male boss? if it's about her not having production credits on TFJ then why isn't she upset she didn't get production credits on purge the poison? is it because she made such a big deal about a 'woman's album' then had a man produce 7/10 tracks and felt the need to change that narrative? or is it about having men on her writing credits for EH (specifically htbah, like, come on... it did not take that many people to write that song) but then why didn't she give david kosten credit for the "back off motherfuckers" line on cpmd? because it didn't fit the narrative of writing it all herself? I'm not saying she doesn't have a right to be mad about her lack of production credits on TFJ or men muscling in on her work on EH, but why not shed some light and help other artists out? it would be great if she made a post about her decision to leave atlantic, wbk they've fucked over a lot of artists and she's probably signed an NDA or something but what's HER reason for leaving? why did she leave instead of negotiate her contract? being independent is a huge risk, I'd love to know why. she could also help her younger fans (a lot seem to want to be artists themselves) spot red flags when a label is trying to scout them,* especially in this current age where getting millions of views on social media and a pretty face can land you a recording contract without much actual talent at all. these labels want naive teenagers/young adults to trap into a contract. I'm not suggesting Marina could 'shake up the industry' but even if she helped 1 or 2 people wouldn't that be worth it? save them from the things she went through? having to personally pay for the 1st froot photoshoot and mastering herself? I feel like she genuinely doesn't know what to do after she 'achieved everything she wanted with froot' (her words). I was hoping her new work would be better, L+F was pushed out before she was ready (even if she insists it wasn't) and ADIAML was obviously just pushed out as quickly as possible to get out of her contract, but if these poems are anything to go by I am not looking hopeful which is a real shame *edit: we all know about her getting signed, that there were loads of labels after her and she knew only 2 were serious, it would be such great insight if she ever explained this, she did all the interviews HERSELF in her early 20s!!! obviously a lot has changed since 2008, but most of the 'right questions' to ask will likely still be the same