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Posts posted by kik

  1. So a lot of people in line were already aware they were creeps. I surprisingly had never noticed them before, but the people next to me were saying those were the two girls who camped out at Lana's old house causing her to move to Malibu. 


    I have no clue if everyone just told security about them or if Lana actually got word of it and had them kicked out. But it was very last minute. Like right before the signing....they had camped out and pretty sure even got their wristbands. So I feel like due to how last minute it was...someone from her team got wind of it and that's why. I remember lurking her twitter right afterwards and she was going off. 


    I remember she posted a picture when she missed the UO event in NYC, but she didn't give details in the caption and somehow I assumed that she drove all the way from LA, but didn't get there on time lel.


    Edit: I just checked her IG (I don't really follow random Lana fans but I stumbled on her IG last summer and followed her and the situation got me curious now (am I really stalking a potential stalker?))


    15 weeks ago, she posted pictures of a road trip from LA to NYC. No picture of the NYC lineup or the M&G itself. Then, she drives back to LA and she posts pictures of her waiting in line for the LA M&G, but no pictures of her with Lana. How strange... I mean, if you get kicked out in NY, you don't line up again in LA a few days later thinking you're gonna make it.

  2. This would be the left side of the stage, symbolising the West Coast. Lana could meander and sway and slut drop her way to the beach at the left side of the stage and possibly get wet :hooker: during the song West Coast or other beachy songs.


    OK, so when Lana is about to perform High By The Beach, the spotlight shines on the helicopter. The familiar helicopter noise starts and Lana begins to sing. During the climax of the song, Lana gets a fake rocket launcher (aka nerf gun :creep: ) out of a guitar case and "shoots" the helicopter. This is timed with pyrotechnics on the replica helicopter so there are fireworks on the helicopter that emit sparks like sparklers when she "shoots" it. That would be the centrepiece of the show and I thought it would be a nice way to connect the live shows with this iconic music video.






    I would like an ultra minimalist decor. Or a galactic one.


    I didn't like all the spotlights on her last tour, that was too much, way too much. I'm getting dizzy just thinking about it.

  3. Lana is too bored to dress up properly, to brush her hair, to wash her car, or to do anything. Now I’m kind of sorry about Fran who got into this depressed woman just to fuck up his life. Barrie is fucked up nicely in Glasgow, the dumb rocker came to LA for her to light up her cigs during the concerts, now he moved back with his mom and he is starting his career from scratch. Lana’s is just too depressed for this business and she isn’t enjoying anything. At first I thought that she exaggerates but now I'm convinced that she is like that. She became unbearable to follow as an artist, her career became a travesty, she’s just throwing out albums and she doesn’t do anything with them, she hides from everything in the first month after the album's release. HM is shaping up to be an “milking” album for what is left from her fandom and she has one sensible thing to do in my opinion: call it a career. It’s time for her to announce a theater farewell tour and at the end of it she can throw out another album to milk the last standing stans and then she can go and fuck her(depressive)self. I'm so over her, some of you guys here were really nice people and I wish you all the best 



  4. How can people look at this and claim they've photoshopped very part of her body smh. you are all so extra.


    Wow im super surprised didn't expect there to be an entirely new shoot for a regional copy of vogue :oprah3:

    Personally, I see her upper lip bigger and the tip of her nose less pointy. Is it photoshop, is it the light, is it new injections? Whatever. What makes me uncomfortable is someone transforming the morphology of someone else to fit their own idea of beauty. If that is the case.


    I think this picture has nothing special.

  5. Here's an interview of Dolan about his work with Adele, for those who are interested:




    He's gonna work with Lana one day, I'm 100% sure :w8ing:


    If Lana think she's a poor actress, it's because she hasn't met him yet:



    How was the experience of directing Adele?
    I had always harbored the hope that she would be a natural. I see her interviews, see her laughing: there’s no way this woman, who is so complete emotionally and psychologically, there’s no way she’s not a good actor.

    Did you give her much direction?
    When she approached me, I said, “You’ll be acting in this.” And she was very reluctant to that. She was adamant that she was a bad actor and she hated acting. We started to shoot and I progressively asked more and more from her. I talked to her constantly, told her what to say, what do to, look out through the wind, scratch your chin, swallow, blink – the smallest details. She was such a good sport. She was very physical and emotional. She did everything so generously. We watched takes together, and I think secretly she thought, “I’m not a sh—- actor after all!” Everyone saw that she was just a natural.

  6. I don't hear Lana tbh 


    I prefer Lana but Adele's vocal strength beats Lana 100x fold and the sound of 'Hello' is similar to how she's always been


    Just the first notes that sound like Video Games :)

  7. I love the song, i'm so happy Adele is back! What a strong voice... And pretty face.


    I also heard Lana and Lionel.


    The video is so Tom at the Farm at the beginning! The road, the bad phone signal, the closeup on fine china. My favorite part is when the wind blow strong and messes her hair, wow.


    Only neg: hearing the dialogs at the same time is fine in movies Sir Dolan, but not in a MUSIC video imho. Not that long at least.

  8. So, the director for the music video is Xavier Dolan. He made a music video for Indochine a couple of years ago. I'm counting the minutes!


  9. 12143160_1171970279486353_40640940399437





    That looks like us waiting in line all night long before her concert, chain smoking and sleeping on the concrete while cars were passing by. Replace the puffy red coat for mom's old yellow mustard sleeping bag from the 70s and you get the picture.


    Lana, how does it feels to lay on the concrete? Not so bad heh? Well, you didn't wait 20 hours at 50°F at night and 90°F at noon.


    Still, it was worth it :P

  10. Great for you, you shouldn't have bought a ticket to begin with. What she's doing isn't new or even new for her.


    I should have bought the ticket and avoid following her on twitter. My mistake. I knew if I'd keep following her, I would lose interest because of her attitude and the way she chooses to express herself, which I found often very rude and disrespectful, even though she's also interesting and super funny. She has pertinent things to say about racism, subtleties that I never noticed before and I'm glad she got me interested in knowing more about what was the situation right now, compared to the hell I lived in elementary school being the only black. Somehow, I wanted to avoid the question (racism) to forget a difficult past.


    I don't hate her, I don't have hard feelings against her and I honestly wish her the best. It's not because someone that I like is rude with me that I'm gonna start crying or hate this person. It was the accumulation of her negativity that got me uninterested. Her career won't be over because of me reselling my ticket, I'm not gonna cry because I'm not interested in an artist anymore when there are zillions other great ones and the girl who bought my ticket was so happy to be able to go, so no drama here.

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