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Posts posted by kik

  1. I'm not talking about what it could be, I'm talking about what it is. And the way it is, it has NOTHING to do with a cult.


    Of course, in the original the dancing girls COULD have been cult wives (especially this one scene from the HM trailer seems very cult like) but the way we have it right now, those girls are definitly supposed to be LSD hallucinations.

    Being in a desert and the clothes FJM and Lana wear are not really any cult-esque, could just be redneck territory aswell.


    I think you have a narrow vision of what cult people look like. They don't necessarily dress in long white robes or whatever image you have in mind. FJM impersonates Charles Manson. The crazy moves he does with his arms at 0:16 is very Charles Manson. His hair, beard, clothes as well. The desert is where him and his group lived, somewhere in California. They would use LSD. He played the guitar. He was polygamous.





    She used the story of Charles Manson cult and Jim Jones cult. In the latest one, 900 members killed themselves (and their children) drinking cyanide mixed in Flavor Aid (similar to Kool Aid). I saw a documentary about it on TV a few weeks before the Freak mv came out.


    Of course Lana doesn't look like the typical cult member, but there's no point. She is what she is. The goal is not to make a total replica of what happened.


    I share WhiteHydrangea's interpretation. It doesn't mean yours is bad. If that suits you better, why not.


    I don't agree that she has to "officially recognize" that it was meant for the UV video. She doesn't have to justify anything. That's my opinion.

  2. This is the ~Honeymoon Tour~ so far


    June 3, 2016 - Warsaw, Poland at National Stadium

    July 9, 2016 - Rostelaar, Belgium at Werchter Festival Park

    July 10, 2016 - Moscow, Russia at VDNKh

    July 15, 2016 - Locarno, Switzerland at Piazza Grande

    July 17, 2016 - Carhaix, France at Vieilles Charrues

    September 2-4, 2016 - Laois, Ireland at Stradbally Hall


    And July 29-31, 2016 - Montréal, Canada at Osheaga Festival


    Thank you :kiss:


    I really like the last part starting at 4:38. Her voice is captivating, she's a great storyteller.


    Mais, tu peux pas t'en aller comme ça..!

    Ici tu es chez toi!

    Ici tu es le roi!



  4. I think the single magnum opus of Lana's career - from a one-track standpoint, not an album or completely aesthetic one - is her song "Sad Girl". The way it sounds like it's teleporting you straight to a jazz club in hell, with blue flames around that emirate orange when that chorus comes around. There's something terrifying about the way the song works David Lynch references in - almost reinventing imagery from Mulholland Drive's sequences involving the Club Silencio. And when the chorus is delivered after the bridge - with the production vanishing, the reverb on her vocals sounding like screams of emotional pain from the deep pits of hell, and the small, ironically hopeful strings - it becomes one of the only times in Lana's career where I cry every time I hear it. 


    It was my favorite track when I first listened to Ultraviolence. I haven't seen Mulholland Drive (it's on my list though), but I like you picturing the mood of the song as "jazz club in hell". What comes to my mind is the movie Raise the Red Lantern by Yimou Zhang. The lyrics, the mood, the aesthetic, the asian instrument in the song's intro...


    It wouldn't fit in the soundtrack as the movie is very traditional Chinese, but the misery of both women (the one in the song and the one in the movie) is very similar.






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