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Posts posted by YUNGATA

  1. what makes you think she has not already?  :creep:


    The incoherent mess of the last 2 days  :creep:

    i don't think sis is stupid, she's capable of eloquent and well thought out opinions but this was not it.

  2. Unironcally does she know you can make an anonymous/private blog to express this kind of stuff? I feel like if she had one and posted these kinda feelings, let it sit for a week then reviewed when in a calmer headspace she could avoid being misunderstood way more.

  3. She had a point and articulated it badly/inappropriately considering the medium. This kind of discussion belongs in Billboard and Pitchfork. What a fucking weird way to announce your next album?


    I think the artists she picked are just artists she likes (for example, she has talked about how much she loves Ariana in depth). To me it doesn't read as a drag at all, but unfortunately with a different positionally and not comprehending the post (or bothering to read at all) it comes across as really capricious.


    But, I LOVE when people can't properly read and feel like she is being controversial, since that means more Lana in the headlines. Also, wouldn't it be really fucking funny if she has them featured on her album?  :flutter:


    No that would be tragic because features on her album suck  :creep:

  4. Nice try, im not white


    How can you s e e if someone is white when no ones actual face is posted here


    Dont assume shit


    There's a Pictures of You thread so a lot of people actually do know what active posters here look like.

  5. she‘s the madonna of her generation

    stirring yet another drama by being mistaken and misunderstood


    :lel: that's kind of apt. When I tell people I like lana they're always kind of :eek: about it and I have to clarify I like her music because of the reputation she's built for herself through so many foot in mouth moments over the years.

  6. because she needs a pr team and pr training and not this mess that she’s posted online a few times already, the delivery of her message was extremely clunky and i don’t understand how it’s been 84 years and she still hasn’t learned that when it comes to important messages or announcements there’s no room for messiness like this


    Her post could've been good if she learned how to edit. Idk this whole situation has me very jaded and I find it really embarrassing that someone her age who has been high level famous for so long still pulls shit like this. She's so hyper privileged and oblivious sometimes. I guess I'm just glad I can separate the art from the artist.

  7. Been getting some reports of drama/bad behaviour from this thread recently. Just letting you all know I'll be following the thread for the next few weeks (meaning I get a notification for every post) so be good and play nice!  :creep:

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