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Everything posted by YUNGATA

  1. Also I won't be including joke responses so don't waste your time
  2. I don't think there was a 2019 survey, or if there was I didn't conduct it so not sure who has the data.
  3. Also I should mention I only get 2000 free responses to the survey before I have to pay for premium. If this becomes an issue I'll remake the survey under a new account so people who missed out can vote. Though honestly I don't expect this to be an issue and would think at an absolute maximum we'll only get like 150~ responses.
  4. Hi all, I finally got around to setting this up. Sorry it took so long, I've been kind of busy. If you missed the last thread and have no idea what this is, please read here. I ended up keeping most of the questions open ended as the questions became really visually overwhelming to look at as I started inputting more and more options. I felt this would lead people to miss options or opt to skip the questions. I'm thinking I'll try and post the raw data and also collate it into something more condensed for answers that are very similar. I've made most of the questions optional except for a few pertaining specifically to Lana's music as I think those are the ones most people are mostly interested in. Please answer as many questions as you're comfortable with. I'll probably keep this open for about 1-2 weeks then close it and collate the data into a new thread. Please do not share the survey with people not registered with LB as it will skew the data! survey closed Thanks!
  5. That's not why you got a WP if you actually read the description but go off.
  6. @Veinsineon That's excitinggggg thanks
  7. So is the remix album still a thing or are they just slowly releasing remixed versions of each track?
  8. play nice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvjP4e4b_-E
  9. I was thinking of having it more sort of statistics/close ended but that's why I wanted to have this thread, to see how you all wanted the data presented. I'm open to having more discussion focussed/open ended questions and including those responses in the final results. I'm probably not going to do a full report tho tbh Yeah this is definitely something I wanted feedback on and to improve on from the last survey. Last time I had preset options and an "other: please describe" option which a lot of people used. I found it kind of difficult to collate data for that part of the survey because I wanted to be respectful of how everyone self-identified, but it ended up making a lot of the data overlap and some of the answers seem a bit obsolete for lack of a better word. Definitely want to hear other peoples thoughts on this too.
  10. Hi all, I've wanted to do this for a while and since my uni semester is wrapping up and I'm sick with nothing else to do I thought it would be a good time to get started. A quick FAQ: What the hell is this? A demographics survey is a way to find out information about the userbase here at lanaboards.com. Essentially, who are you as a lana fan, outside of being a lana fan and is there any overlap between us outside of our mutual love (and sometimes hate) of Lana Del Rey. The type of information this survey will seek to find out are: age, sex, gender, location, political stance, favourite lana albums, favourite lana singles etc. Is this compulsory? Absolutely not! This is purely out of interest and no one is obliged to fill out anything. However, participation would be greatly appreciated as it gives a more accurate representation of the forum. Also I can't compensate anyone for participating, this b poor as hell. I'm interested! Where's the survey? The purpose of this thread right now is to figure out the logistics of how to do this. Last time I did this I used surveymonkey and it was frankly a nightmare trying to collate all the data once the survey was filled out. There's also limits on how many responses can be recorded before a premium account was needed. I want to know if you have any alternate suggestions of websites to use. So far I was thinking of using Google Forms. The problem with this is that it requires a gmail account to fill out, however I will not have access to the email address you use to complete the survey, it's all anonymous. Is this something that would deter you from completing the survey? I'm open to other (preferably free) options and want to hear your thoughts. Here is the current list of questions I was thinking of using, but please suggest more in this thread! Please try and keep them either related to demographics or Lana though. Also nothing lewd thanks 1. How old are you? 2. What is your gender? 3. What is your sexual orientation? 4. What country were you born in? 5. What country do you currently reside in? 6. Please describe your race/ethnicity 7. What religion do you identify with? 8. Politically, where do you stand? 9. Favourite Lana Del Rey album/EP? 10. Favourite Lana Del Rey Single? 11. Favourite Lana Del Rey music video? 12. Favourite producer Lana has worked with? Last time I framed these questions with preset answers and an "other (please describe)" option. Should I continue with this format or leave them all open ended? The issue with them being open ended is that it can make it harder to collate into a graph as answers can vary greatly. On the flip side, the benefit of open ended questions is that it allows for broader range of answers that accurately describe peoples lived experiences. All these questions would be optional and you are free to skip anything you are not comfortable answering. If you're interested in previous results here is the 2016 survey data So please, suggest some further questions that you would like know If you see a question suggested that you want included please "like" the post so I have an indication of what you want to know. I don't want the survey to be too long so people don't feel like it's a drag to complete, and also because I don't want to make like 70 graphs Once I have a good idea of what to include I'll create the survey and put the link in a new thread. Cheers!
  11. okay so I know I'm late on this but I just heard Say So by Doja Cat and uhhh is the guitar riff literally not the same as Fiona Coyne?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pok8H_KF1FA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw_7UrqzNUg
  12. @@AKASAKA SAWAYAMA it's actually quite a popular conspiracy theory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemtrail_conspiracy_theory
  13. Also, fwiw I actually really liked White Hot Forever as an album title felt synonymous with passion, fire and youth. Bit given recent uhh... events... I can understand how it could've been really misconstrued.
  14. I thought it sounded like she had a cold/was a bit nasally but I could also be projecting
  15. I have a 38.5 degree fever someone tell me if i'm having a fever dream or not
  16. @@selly I'm going to merge this thread into the Instagram Updates thread just so we can try and contain everything to one place PM me if you have any questions!
  17. At this rate her retirement post which will be retracted a week later
  18. The incoherent mess of the last 2 days i don't think sis is stupid, she's capable of eloquent and well thought out opinions but this was not it.
  19. I would bet a lot of money that all of these posts were first drafts
  20. Unironcally does she know you can make an anonymous/private blog to express this kind of stuff? I feel like if she had one and posted these kinda feelings, let it sit for a week then reviewed when in a calmer headspace she could avoid being misunderstood way more.
  21. I can't believe I went to sleep and woke up and the situation somehow got messier
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