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Everything posted by FormerLanaFan

  1. That was the key part of the interview and that's why she's so controversial. In my view UV is about what she experienced during and after the backlash, at least I hope so. Many of the song tiles are fitting with that theme. But then she says things like "we kind of move into the parts of Brooklyn, and you know sonically anyways" wtf? This is a fine example of what I don't like about her handling of interviews. I'm not a musical expert but is there something called "Brooklyn sound"?! It's pretty simple, you have to be prepared for the main question "What is UV all about" and you have to give the GP a coherent and satisfactory answer...because you (Lana) really don't need any controversy anymore
  2. I think that UV is a response to all the shit that happen with her since 2011. We can put in this perspective FMWTT, UV would never happened without the backlash. I think that is less a provocation, rather she decided to respond. She needs to become active on this and not passive as she were until UV. She needed an image, an album that could sustain her in facing off the haters. I see all the song titles from that perspective. FMWTT could be a clever sarcastic song with an audacious title so we have to wait to judge it.
  3. I think that the mods could correct the date because for some this is a hot topic
  4. "her uncle had recently taken up a position there as admissions officer, and he helped to arrange financial aid" I was sure before that she's not from a billionaire family but this is pretty shocking that they didn't have the money and she needed financial aid. And her mother a teacher? I know how "well" paid teachers are... so that's a big blow to the manufactured with daddy's money story
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