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Everything posted by FormerLanaFan

  1. ”bohemian dimwit on 'Brooklyn Baby'” ”But she conjures them with surface-level sadness worn like a shade of eyeshadow, which swiftly wears thin if you have no time for one-dimensional cads” - This is a typical Lana try hard shade, I'm so sick of it. Bombastic phrasing with little substance. ”surface-level sadness” = lame attempt to psycho-analyze her, yea, she knows how deep is Lana's sadness We all know that UV is better than 6/10
  2. The walking scene pure classiness
  3. Fact Magazine 4/5 http://www.factmag.com/2014/06/17/lana-del-rey-ultraviolence-review/
  4. It's prepared but is not online yet. There is a reference here regarding a possible RS review http://www.contactmusic.com/article/reviews-lana-del-rey-the-concept-hits-her-stride-with-ultraviolence_4246855
  5. Idolator 4,5/5 http://www.idolator.com/7523017/lana-del-rey-ultraviolence-album-review
  6. This the Boston Globe review? I don't see the rating. http://www.bostonglobe.com/arts/music/2014/06/16/lana-del-rey-ultraviolence/A8aGVFG9eAxTzMyNeuTVdO/story.html
  7. The Born To Die fans don't Love Ultra NME 6/10: http://www.nme.com/reviews/lana-del-rey/15401 Don't expect more than 65 on MC Ultra is divisive as Born To Die was
  8. Expected more from Billboard 8.3 http://www.billboard.com/articles/review/6121485/lana-del-rey-ultraviolence-album-review-song-by-song-track-by-track
  9. Superficial review from the Chicago Tribune 2/4 http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/music/turnitup/ct-lana-del-rey-ultraviolence-review-20140616,0,5886298.column Not counting for MC but I liked it: http://www.hillydilly.com/2014/06/lana-del-rey-ultraviolence-2/
  10. I have the screenshots but I can't post them, maybe someone could explain me how to post it
  11. It's hard to remember a more hateful review regarding Lana. I saw a twitter message of his some months ago when this guy said that he doesn't know which album will hate more Lana Del Rey's or The Black Keys.
  12. Prettymuchamazing A- http://prettymuchamazing.com/reviews/lana-del-rey-ultraviolence
  13. Frankly I don't have the same angst regarding the reviews from a couple a days ago. She's divisive and that will never change in her career. Some are just negatively biased about her and there's nothing she or we could do about it (with the recent interviews I'm certain that she cannot do anything about it ). Lana has to toughen up a bit and gain more confidence in her work, she has an audience that other artists never dreamed of, she sales well and some of the critics appreciate her. At this point we have to be reasonable, It's not that all of the critics are hating on her now. There will be some petty reviews (Jim Farber) but most of the reviews I read so far are balanced and focusing on her music. I feel, from what I listened so far (I don't have the album yet, my preorder it's coming June 16th), that Ultraviolence it's a more cohesive album than BTD with better lyrics overall and definitely better production for my liking. My favorite song from BTD, OTTR, it's plagued by those awful screams that are to loud and to persistent throughout. That said, there is no way that Ultraviolence will have an over 80 score on MC (I cannot say yet if the album deserves to be universally acclaimed or not). I will happy if the MC score will stay over 70 because I think that Ultraviolence it's a better album sonically and lyrically than BTD. I was disappointed by the Independent review I think that they negatively compensated for the fangirling on BTD.
  14. What about Jon Caramanica? Will he be the reviewer of UV for NYT?
  15. Good news, you know, after years of Lana bashing is just hard for me to get accustomed with good reviews
  16. Slay queen http://nypost.com/2014/06/14/lana-del-ray-is-ready-to-take-her-reign-as-pop-queen/ I don't know them but they are fangirling: http://hootingandhowling.com/album-ultraviolence-lana-del-rey/
  17. There are a lot of potential haters left I would be surprised if she stays above 75
  18. I hope this will not count on metacritic FT.com 3/5 stars http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/6d473358-f1c0-11e3-a2da-00144feabdc0.html#axzz34cxfClU6 Based on this presentation of UV I hope that they will give at least 4 stars ALLMUSIC http://www.allmusic.com/album/release/ultraviolence-deluxe-version-mr0004177140
  19. I perceived her that way from the interviews. Regarding the knowledge others poses about her I was referring to a specific poster I didn't talked about you or other members. You are right about developing a thicker skin it's just that not everybody is capable of doing it.
  20. I adore to see her dance... she's not a good dancer but she's an adorable dancer. I have a harrowing feeling about it, it's an overwhelming nostalgia that flows out from the promotional pictures and from this video also. It' like she's preparing to leave..
  21. It's easier to be said than done. She 's bound by contracts, she has tons of fans (she cares about), she loves making music. But the haters are just spoiling her dream. I never understood why is that, it is so easy to avoid her: She's not on radio or on TV, it's not that she's shoved in your face. You have to search for her to listen to her. The whole promotion was restrained, her pictures were so minimalist, she's so pretty and fragile. But NO, there is just unabashed hatred coming towards her. I would recommend to establish a new psychological disorder called "Lana hatred syndrome" because this is truly a mental condition for some
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