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Everything posted by MaraDreea

  1. I once knew a guy who believed in some third eye bullshit & he saw himself as almighty and some other crap, but in reality he was basically an internet troll with no life and some fucked up personality and disgusting habits (once you got to know him). he was also very manipulative.this was a couple of years ago and if you ask me about him now, I could very much say, jokingly, that he was like a sectarian, and being around him was like being in a sect, if I wanna make a long story short. but that doesn't mean I was in a fucking legitimate sect. do you see what I mean?
  2. MaraDreea

    Miley Cyrus

    @@MaraDreea, thanks for posting the new song. Love it! no problem I really like it too bad it didn't make it on the album.
  3. MaraDreea

    Miley Cyrus

  4. MaraDreea

    Miley Cyrus

    Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't aware that existed. Oh well, thank you I don't know how to delete this topic tho :/
  5. MaraDreea

    Miley Cyrus

    Y'all can hate on this however much you want (cuz that's the thing with her), but this song is better than her entire album imo (kinda) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc8ZpPKelpQ
  6. she just said in a recent interview that they twist what she says to make it into a title like "lana was in a sect" like you said. she probably hung around some people that turned out to have a sect-like behavior, but some of you on here are taking this shit too seriously, like she was in the iluminati or some shit
  7. lol cuz she says "I get high on hydroponic weed" which is grown indoors.
  8. so she grows weed in her apartment YAAS BICTH
  9. I don't think she's complaining. she clearly loves her fans and she's the one who chooses to meet with everyone and sign everything. just because she acknowledges the fact that she is tired doesn't mean that she's whining, she's just stating a fact.
  10. isn't she a Gemini? that's kinda what they do lol.
  11. they're all shot by the same guy, that's why and yes, they're amazing.
  12. you're welcome, but i didn't do it. someone on tumblr did, but the link didn't show up for some reason.
  13. Source: What do you see when you look at the mirror? A really tired girl! When i am in tour the day start with the sound check at 4 pm and finish at 2 am, after my all dedication to the fans and the people that come in the backstage. And when aren’t you tired? I look at the mirror and and i say to myself: “I hope that today everything will be ok”. I hate have problems with my family and with my music, also for the little things like the acoustic during the concerts. Are the million copies sold of Born To Die the scale of your success? Personally i use two parameters. First, find a musical community to belong with. Second, know that the community respect me and my job. Unfortunately i have to say that musically i don’t find my “tribe” yet, find somebody to love and share a sense of comradeship. Maybe it’s a romantic inspiration but i think about Bob Dylan when in the 60s he arrived in the Greenwich Village and he found his group of folk music. I’ve tried that too when nine years ago i arrived in Brooklyn but i have to please me of a different version, more simple. I hoped to find people that want to base their life on art. Maybe i found those people in London where i lived for 4 years. And now for 7 months i live in Los Angeles, that’s my escape. I love swim, go to the beach everyday and drive along the coast listening to music. What do you like to listening to? I really like the soundtracks of movies like American Beauty, Il Padrino, Scarface… But the grunge too, Mark Lanegan, Nirvana, and jazz: Chuck Baker, Nina Simone, Billie Holiday and then Bob Dylan and all the musicians of that period. What is your first musical memory? When i was 15 or 16 they sent me to the Kent School for fight my alcohol addiction, it was a private school in Connecticut where i didn’t have a lot of friends but a really young teacher, Gene Campbell, told me about hip hop and the beauty of soundtracks. That’s not for change argoument but do you ever smoking so much? You just lighted up another cigarette, is not bad for your voice? Maybe yes but it’s good for me. It relaxes me but i admit that i smoke,i smoke,i smoke. And i drink a lot of coffee. I have to smoke before,after and during the concerts. And also during the breaks with a cup of coffee. You say that you’re shy, so how can you stay in front of 5 thousand people during your concerts? Get on the stage it’s the part that i like less of my job. I love write and make music but i don’t like all the things that comes after the realization, for promoting the album. How do you react to the critics? Not really well. If someone’s write something bad about me and i get to know it i become really disappointed but i try to not let them influence my creativity. Where and when do you compose music? I am a nocturnal animal. I write at night, outside, with a lot of noise in the background that comes from the tv or the radio while i’m smoking and drinking coffee. It’s 4 years that i make music with the same group of people, except for Dan Auerbach that produced with me my last album, Ultraviolence. Why is Ultraviolence the title of the album? It’s different from Born To Die,which is about the years of my alcohol addiction, Ultraviolence doesn’t have a specific argoument ,the compactness is in the sounds,in the energy. It’s ambient music, the atmosphere mixes the sound of the California with the Jazz of the 60s. What’s your favourite song of the album? The first, Cruel World, which it gives the rythm to the album. The song has 25 seconds of guitar that i define “narco-swing”: it’s like being high. It’s like that for 7 song then the sound became more slow and then it grows up again for the last 20 minutes. Can you be a down to earth person with this success? It’s really important to me being a normal person. Anonymity and normality are essentials for my creativity. Fortunately i grew up with strong roots in my family and when they are so deep it’s easy to harvest the fruits of own work. Also live with my brothers help me to be a down earth person. Do you live with all your family in Los Angeles? I’ve always have a central role in my family, also now that i live with my sister,of 24, and my brother,of 20: Caroline is a yoga teacher, Charlie studies cinema at the UCLA. I’m doing everything that i can do for help them to follow their passions. They say that Lana is an eccentric person but it seems that you have your head screwed on. I define myself eccentric psychologically but in the interviews that is often misunderstended. Maybe because my life had a lot of transformations, more transitions. But i’m not provocative, i’m a conservative person, i use words for express myself. Even if i believe in different life-styles and in alternative relationships. What is your reference in fact of epoch? In the middle of 60s and 70s when it grows up a new concept of freedom that it was so new to generate deep passions. A lot mor exciting than the freedoms that we have now. So thanks for the long conversation, I was biased… Everyone is before meeting me, I don’t know what to do. I can only try to talk sincerly and let my personality come out. I don’t want to inspire the other people. But i want to be a good person. What does it mean for you? A patient person with the people that she loves, generous and that is try to find the serenity. Do you think that you made it? I am a calm person but it’s been years that i don’t feel in peace. Maybe it’s because i don’t find my tribe yet. (Sorry if there are some mistakes but i’m not english and i tried to translate everything in the best way that i can)
  14. I honestly don't think it's about Lorde because it's too recent and all of her songs are rooted into things that happened in the past. I mean Lana is almost 30, Lorde is 17, what kinda grown ass woman would pick on a 17 year old ? especially in these circumstances. Lorde changes her opinions every other week anyway. The only reasonable assumption would be that it's about Gaga, since it's the only "beef" she's ever had with anyone (So legit, I mean c'mon)+ the interviewer brought her up in another question before this one, which I think made her a little more fired up + the whole "art" comment. Or she's just fucking with us.
  15. well maybe, but something about Lorde fucking her way up to the top just seems hilarious to me lol. like, I don't think so, I don't know..
  16. I think they're talking about the stuff she put up on youtube. she was explaining every song/video
  17. Thank you the last one i saw just a couple of days ago do something like this was Lily Allen, also, so yeah, not just Beyonce people tho she did her own thing. I didn't wanna put a video as an example because i would've imagined people just jumping to insult said artist, u know what I mean? rather than actually getting the point of what i'm saying
  18. honestly i don't know why you all started with the Beyonce thing, but now that i think about it it kinda makes sense as to why. What I had in mind wasn't even something that highly produced lol. like, maybe during an interview somebody would just go with her over the songs, maybe not even all of them, just the ones she considers more "important". that would be enough for me i would just like to hear her take on everything, but a little more detailed than what she has already said about the album overall. I didn't even have Beyonce in mind when I wrote this topic, so yeah
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