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Rorman Nockwell

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Posts posted by Rorman Nockwell

  1. 5 hours ago, Candy Necklace said:

    can Tessa DiPietro heal my torn acl?

    OT but I've had that injury too from doing sports when I was younger, my sympathies

    The rehab is such a haul

  2. 3 minutes ago, partymonster said:

    courtney love is literally insane and will be praising lana again in 6 months, anything that comes out of her mouth is not worth an 8 page thread on any website at all :toofunny:

    The thread was lit and I had a ball

  3. 4 hours ago, lili said:

    I’m a huge fan of Courtney’s art but she has always been a fickle person. However, I might get grated for this opinion but I’ve always felt that Lana initially befriended her because of her fascination with Kurt Cobain, and not necessarily Courtney’s own art. It was obvious Courtney would shit talk one day, that’s what she always does. Sean Lennon is another example of someone she befriended out of her love for his parents. I’m not saying she’s wrong to do that but I mean, Courtney comes with drama and always will. 


    Tbh, I feel like it would suck to be friends with most of our idols, I wouldn’t follow anyone promoting Judah Smith in my real life for example. 

    *insert that one meme here where two surgeons lie on the ground exhausted and the caption says “separating the art from the artist”*


    I think they became friends after Lana covered Heart Shaped Box and Courtney tweeted her that it was about her vagina

    I could be wrong though

  4. 22 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

    did you mean from this video?


    No she was wearing a dress. It was definitely a photo shoot. I've tried lookimg at her older ig posts but my ig is fucky and won't load old posts

    Thank you all the same, though! 

  5. This is kinda random but does anyone remember a pic circa 2019 of Natalie on a cliff in like a medieval outfit with a dagger?

    And did anyone happen to save it? 

    Mayhaps need for an art project and I've looked EVERYWHERE 

  6. 1 hour ago, Embach said:

    Tbh I don't find that bad that she believes psychics like Tessa. I don't believe every psychic in the world but I know plenty of psychics who are actually good and make sense and also whose content I sometimes follow. Idk how she treated her cough but it's probably Eastern way.

    Tbh I'm impressed that she asked Tessa to cure her cough instead of praying with Judah or whatever :oic3:

  7. 8 minutes ago, Elle said:

    No, that was Will Whitney, a drum tech. This is Peter Abbott, her longtime tour production manager who she threw plates at in Dallas 2015 lol x

    Is he the British guy? She had him on an IG live when she played in (I think) San Francisco? Or am I thinking of someone else?

  8. 7 minutes ago, Wait For Life said:

    Yes—in her TikTok comment section, right?

    I can’t tell if this is serious or a joke but if it’s a joke it’s actually hilarious :lmao:

    I'm pretty sure they are serious. See their statuses :oopna2:

  9. 17 minutes ago, honeymoon is alive said:

    same, i’m not even mad cause i know she’s probably just out of her head 

    I mean she isn't good at maintaining relationships

    As I said, her relationship with Frances has been strained over the years; I think they have even had periods of no contact

    When she did Nobody's Daughter I remember reading that she didn't consult the other members of Hole, and Melissa Auf der Maur was apparently really pissed off and said that it wasn't a Hole album, it was a Courtney album

    I feel like Taylor would just be like "fuck this bitch" but Lana would take it more personally. I mean maybe they can overcome it but it does seem like this statement is the type of thing that would really sting Lana.

  10. 59 minutes ago, Chemtrail said:

    Coke is literally on every street in England where there's a pub so tbh this isn't noteworthy at all to me :rip: This is none of our business at all

    I was just saying that I really don't think she was into heroin at any time during her career, but (probably) coke at some point(s) and that it's not a big deal. But I agree, it's no one else's business what she was on (if anything), when she was on it, and so forth.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Carmen Del Rey said:

    it’s not just blind items that didn’t come till years later, it’s in her songs. A lot of them. I hate Azalea but she was right about Lana being hooked on opiates. Barrie, G-Eazy, and Chase were all addicted. And yes she would be able to do all those things. Heroin doesn’t knock you out unless you take way too much. For someone with anxiety like Lana it works more as an upper. I don’t think she gets high anymore, and she’s my favorite person on the earth, I’m not saying any of this to insult her, but it’s true.

    I think you might be confusing this with coke

    Everyone knows Gerald is a cokehead; it's not a secret and several of his ex-girlfriends have talked about it

    Coke is commonly used in the music industry (and by a lot of rich people in general - sportspeople, actors, etc) but heroin is a whole other level

    It's not impossible that she used heroin but it's very very difficult to function on it. As SN said, it's hard to imagine her being a regular user of it and meeting all of her career commitments at that time

    Benzos, codeine or coke - yeah, I'd believe. But I don't know if I believe heroin

  12. I'd be inclined to think she was just taking the piss  EXCEPT that I don't think it's the type of thing Lana would find very funny given her history with the media, etc 

    Even if she wanted to criticise Lana she could've done so constructively

    "She should take seven years off" isn't very constructive :oopna2:

    And if Taylor is really her neighbour then I hope she goes next door and has words 

    And then does a song called Love Thy Neighbour spilling all the dirt

    THEN she'd be interesting AND important

  13. I wonder if she and sis had a falling out or if this just came out of the blue

    She seems really fickle and difficult to get along with, so I would not be surprised if it's the latter. As far as I can tell, even her relationship with Frances is patchy

    Either way it sucks for Lana. Finding out that a friend is not a friend is very hurtful.

  14. Inspired by @Veinsineon

    Courtney used to be cool. I like Hole. I think Celebrity Skin is a brilliant album.

    But not anymore. Not after TODAY.


    Love has even soured on Lana Del Rey, whom she once called one of the only “two true musical geniuses” next to her late husband Kurt Cobain: “I haven’t liked Lana since she covered a John Denver song, and I think she should really take seven years off. Up until ‘Take Me Home Country Roads’ I thought she was great.”


    I mean imagine saying that ^ about your friend. That is just plain mean.

    Lana once lent Courtney her entire house so she could recover from whatever the fuck addiction she had at that particular time.

    Fuck HER

    ETA: also she's just really, really wrong. Even if the Country Roads cover was the worst cover that ever covered, it doesn't negate the artist's entire body of work. She of all people should realise this.

    ETA2: also saying Taylor "isn't important" is actual brain rot. Even if you despise her and her music, she absolutely IS important, she literally contributes to a country's actual economy when she tours. Important =/= having to like her music or like her.

  15. 1 hour ago, kraljicabenzinske said:

    I like him tho, he left no crumbs when he guest performed at our Croatian national final :wub:

    and I'm sooo here for it, I absolutely live for the Austrian entry


    ofc I'm rooting for my country Croatia, everything going on with Baby Lasagna and the support he's getting and being one of the faves is mindblowing :wubna:

      Reveal hidden contents


    his merch is so cute btw, ofc i had to get one, here's a pic for all my cat lovers:




    Croatia is my second favourite; I would not be mad if they won 


    6 hours ago, Venice Biotch said:

    i feel that poland would be high if we chose justyna steczkowska with witcher-tarohoro or someone else. Luna is a terrible choice.


    We always choose shit people as well but then again we shouldn't even be in it, it's silly (Australia)

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