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Super Movie

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Everything posted by Super Movie

  1. Can you believe that this all started with arcadialovesong2018 complaining about Lana's family and now we're here?
  2. That's so sweet that the new mods might get to ban someone on their first day!
  3. Here's a little gift for our designated trolls, I think it's really needed:
  4. Quick, leak Greenwich Acid while we're all distracted
  5. Ok now you've gone too far, no Terrance Loves You slander is allowed I think that this post alone warrants a ban
  6. What should we name today? lustforlifeGate? DelusionGate?
  7. I need to go back to my detective era because I'm kind of starting to think that there might be a deeper relation between lustforlife and arcadialovesong2018 than just both being delusional
  8. lustforlife has literally never leaked anything, they have nothing to do with me being here. This is the funniest thing that has ever happened to me I'm honestly starting to wonder whether or not they're the same user
  9. arcadialovesong2018 is in their lustforlife era, I see
  10. I'm still not fully sure if this is a troll situation or not, but if so, I think it might be one of favorites yet
  11. 73 members in the thread, a fight dying down, tomorrow will be 10 days until the album....I'm getting worried
  12. I hope so, I already started manifesting that this would be Lana's Fetch The Bolt Cutters era If Fiona Apple's dogs can bark on a track, Tex and Mex can too
  13. Was there a fight right before COCC leaked? I can't remember....
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