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Super Movie

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Everything posted by Super Movie

  1. I usually go in order, even listening to the tracks I already know, to get the full experience Then I end up having the album on shuffle for the next three days straight lol
  2. It'd literally be impossible for the album to not come out when there's a literal pre-order for physical copies out right now that's set for the 29th of next month. The only thing that could happen would be that the album would be pushed to that date rather than the 22nd, but I don't think that that's going to happen seeing as everything else that's been put out for the album besides the physicals has the date listed for the 22nd. Not even Lana would back out of a date when it's up for pre-order and officially set to be released on a specific date.
  3. The idea of Lana reactivating, scrolling for a few minutes then being like "yeah never mind fuck this" and deactivating is so funny to me
  4. My thoughts and prayers go to the people who made archive accounts for Lana's Instagram that now have no reason to do that
  5. When we get a notification that Lana posted and it's a typewriter post that starts with "Now that Lorde"
  6. The BB link is back too...we really won today
  7. She was only deactivated on Instagram for a total of 16 days. Let's hope it stays that way
  8. She came back to Instagram to announce videos + the live performances for the album it's true
  9. So I guess now all of that back-and-forth was for nothing, huh?
  10. The first time I heard Television Heaven, I thought the lyrics were "there's nowhere on this Earth I would rather be than in your bedroom breeding heavily" instead of breathing and I was like oh my god??
  11. Blue Banisters video coming October, Black Bathing Suit video coming November and Thunder video coming January
  12. This is honestly one of my favorite Lana projects ever (and I think that the audiobook has some of her best instrumentals, I love listening to it on long car rides). The hardcover is really smooth and it feels nice to hold while you're reading. And I love the pictures Lana chose to incorporate into the book. The poems themselves are nice too, I enjoy them a lot more than I was expecting to when Lana first announced the project. Quite a few of them seem pretty "stream of consciousness" based, but I think that it works well for Lana.
  13. I mean, Arcadia didn't end up leaking outside of a few snippets that we got, and the singles didn't either. But Dealer leaked for whatever reason, so the entire album leaking isn't entirely out of the question.
  14. The day the album leaked and I listened to it, I ended up getting the worst haircut of my entire life a few hours later. I feel like that was some form of life trying to teach me a lesson lol. So if BB leaks, I'm going to save myself (and my hair)
  15. I already promised myself that I wouldn't listen to the album if it leaked after karma hit me like a freight train with Chemtrails. The only track I was going to allow myself was Dealer, and that already happened. I honestly hope this album doesn't leak just because I know that that's always frustrating for the people involved with the album.
  16. October 22nd is either going to be a great day or a terrible day for lustforlife
  17. Lanaboards has been quiet today...too quiet I'm taking it as a sign of something coming soon, hopefully the video for BB or an album trailer
  18. 1. Honeymoon 2. Cruel World 3. White Dress 4. Ride 5. NFR 6. Born To Die/Kill Kill (i couldn't choose) 7. Love 8. Text Book
  19. Super Movie

    Song vs. Song

    Terrance Loves You vs The Blackest Day
  20. I've grown more appreciation for it over the past month or so than I have in the two years it's been out. It feels very classic to me for some reason, like it's an old song from the 70s. I can almost hear the crowd cheering at a reunion tour when the piano kicks in lol. I wouldn't call it Lana's worst opener by any means, but it's not my favorite either.
  21. I'm not fully sure if this is unpopular or not, but I think that the Mermaid Motel demo is the only Lana demo I prefer over the final version
  22. Super Movie

    Song vs. Song

    The Greatest vs Hope
  23. I've wanted TFJ on streaming services for years TikTok did me a favor this time
  24. Getting the song credits is always a pre-release highlight, I'm hoping we get some soon. There's a few songs that I'm really manifesting have strings
  25. Literally what did Nikki Lane do Joking around bit is fine (I've done it here and there myself), but I think people who genuinely hate Lana's friends are weirdos. Anyways, I'm obsessed with Lana's outfit. It'd look so cute in a video...maybe for Thunder
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