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Super Movie

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Posts posted by Super Movie

  1. The fact that it's so clear to so many of us just how different the vibe is this time around gives me such a good feeling. You really can tell that Lana is excited about whatever's coming up and wants it to be an exciting process/rollout (in whatever that means for her, of course). I love it when you just know that Lana is feeling the era and the music just as much as we are as fans. Whatever we're supposedly getting on the 7th is going to be good for sure

  2. 1 minute ago, honeybadger said:

    i really dislike the white dress music video, there are good parts but as a whole i just don’t enjoy it  


    I feel like it would've turned out a lot better if Lana hadn't broken her arm and if the portion with the girls in the masks had been cut (or a bit more of the roller skating waitress plotline had been added). I think it's probably Lana's most boring professionally-shot video, though 

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