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Everything posted by daytonadeath

  1. unfortunately, Love sucks (LFL and coachella too)
  2. of course it is, its a mediocre song, but the others are trash tbh
  3. 3 horrible songs. Love is 5/10, LFL is 4/10 and coachella is 2/10 lol
  4. even if the person is obese, there's no need to call that person a whale. That's just mean
  5. still nothing, just a bunch of gays doing some drama
  6. Hi Gabriel! Nice to meet you Well, as far as we know, Lana and Marina didn't recorded anything
  7. do you guys think that the album gonna leak soon?
  8. yesss and I'd like to see her doing stuff like this: 1. 2. 3. 4.
  9. ok, now I get what you meant and I agree a lot with you
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